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I am a farmer who lives in Canada.

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Presentation on theme: "I am a farmer who lives in Canada."— Presentation transcript:

1 I am a farmer who lives in Canada.
I have a : A spotty hairy cow Low milk producing My Mexican cousin has: A hairless cow High milk producing I am a farmer who lives in Canada. I need a cow that is hairy for the cold weather and makes a lot of milk

2 A spotty hairy cow Low milk producing A hairless Bull
High milk producing A spotty hairy cow Low milk producing A spotty hairy cow High milk producing A hairless cow Low milk producing A hairless cow High milk producing

3 A spotty hairy Bull A spotty hairy cow High milk producing

4 Selective Breeding Selective breeding, (also known as artificial selection), is when offspring are created with particular traits as a result of mating parents that possess the desired traits. Farmers and ranchers have used this technique for thousands of years to produce better quality of individuals. Example: Cattle for better meat, cows for high milk yields, chickens for egg size, flowers for brighter colors, dogs to produce new breeds.

5 Example of Selective Breeding
labrador labradoodle poodle


7 Selective Breeding drawbacks.
1) Selective breeding reduces the number of gene combinations in a population. ******Thinning the gene pool. 2) It is a slow process. It takes many generations to consistently get offspring with desired traits. Usually offspring from the same family are mated together. (inbreeding)

8 Inbreeding is the long term breeding of closely related organisms with similar characteristics. (brother –sister, 1st cousins – 1st cousins) Offspring of inbreeders tend to suffer from genetic disorders because harmful recessive genes build up in the population . King Tut he married his teenage sister. A common practice done to keep the royal bloodline pure.

9 Selective Breeding drawback. (cont.)
Selective breeding can cause serious problems. Because gene combination is restricted, there is no diversity. If a new type of disease appears, as all of the organisms could be wiped out. Example: Pure breed dogs are less healthy than mutts (mixed breed dogs.) There is no guarantee the offspring will have the desired traits.

10 Example of Selective Breeding to make new organisms


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