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2 Agenda Course outline/Class rules Classroom rules Who is Ms. Katz?
First day autobiography ICE breaker and introduction activity- making an avatar + present it

3 Course outline You will learn about most basic and introductory principles and procedure of accounting. You will learn to analyze financial reports and how to make decision based on information found. We will look at different career paths in accounting We will use how to use excel to record accounting records Talk about different accounting ethical issue

4 Units of Study CCT 5 HOURS Unit 1
Fundamental Accounting Practices (30 hours) Unit 3 Internal Control, Financial Analysis, and Decision Making (25 hours) Unit 2 Advance Accounting Practices (35 hours) Unit 4 Ethics, Impact of Technology and Careers (15 hours) CCT 5 HOURS

5 What will we study in each unit?
Unit 1: Fundamental Accounting Practices accounting and its importance for business; differences among the various forms of business organization; learn basic procedures and principles of the accounting cycle for a service business. Unit 2: Advance Accounting Practices continue expanding our knowledge of procedures and principles of the accounting cycle for a merchandising business; Learn about accounting practices for sales tax; Use excel and other software to record accounting journals.

6 Unit 3: Internal Control, Financial Analysis and Decision Making
Learn about internal control procedures in the financial management of a business; Evaluate the financial status of a business by analyzing performance measures and financial statements; Learn to explain how accounting information is used in decision making. Unit 4: Ethics, Technology, Careers Learn about ethical issue in accounting Assess how technology impacts accounting Look at different professions and career paths that one can take in accounting.

Student progress will be assessed through a variety of: Term work 70% Quizzes, tests, new presentation, class discussion and participation, debate, case study/s, worksheet, individual and group projects. Final + CCT 30% Mid-term 5% CCT 15% Final Exam 10%

8 EVALUATION SUMMARY The student in this course will be assessed based on the following: (K/U 25%, T/I 25%, C %, A 25%) Learning Skills: All students will be assessed on the following learning skills: responsibility, collaboration, self-regulation, independent work, initiative. The categories for assessment are: excellent, good, satisfactory or needs improvement. NOTE: The course mark breakdown is subjected to change based on the teacher’s judgment and course needs.

9 Classroom Rules Always be prepared for class
brining all required classroom materials Do your homework and assignments ON TIME Come to class on time –DO NOT BE LATE NEVER copy/cheat or plagiarize Always submit your own work in our own words! DO NOT miss any quizzes, tests or presentation! If you are absent YOU ARE responsible to find-out what you missed Check my teaching website Talk to you study budy

10 Be an active students in class
Take notes, answer questions and NOT SLEEP/CHAT Do not yell, but raise your hand to answer a question If you do understand something ASK FOR HELP Spend at least 20min each night reviewing for class. Be respectful Treat your classmate, teacher, teacher assistants with respect. NO CELLPHONES, FOOD, LAPTOPS, IPADS…OR OTHER electronic devices allowed in class- unless requested by me

11 Who is Ms. Katz?

12 Who you get to listen 2 the WHOLE SEMESTER…
Speak 3 languages-tried to learn Chinese gave up couldn’t master the tones. Lived on 4 continents Love to travel and outdoor activities Worked as a Hedge Fund accountant Taught in China for 3 years Hate when people lie

13 Your turn… First day autobiography- answer what you feel comfortable answering and leave blank what you don’t want to answer. Keep in mind the more question you answer gives me a better understand of how you learn best

14 Lets break the ice Please create an avatar for yourself that will be presented to the class by your partner. Please print it out and when presenting, please provide and explanation of the following: Description of your partner’s image. Explain why your partner chose the image/picture and how it is a true representation of him/her. Describe how your partner will use this image to motivate him/herself in this course. Explain your partner’s career/post high school goal(s). List three things your partner like to do in your spare time.

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