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Knights of Labor Terence Powderly.

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Presentation on theme: "Knights of Labor Terence Powderly."— Presentation transcript:

1 Knights of Labor Terence Powderly

2 Powderly knocks out scabs and employers - cartoon

3 Miners song

4 Haymarket Square Riot The Haymarket Square Riot
Took place outside of the McCormick Reaper’s Works In 1888 outside of Chicago.

5 The Seven Men condemned to death for
participating and accused killing of police officers during the riot.

6 Homestead Strike Occured at Homestead Steel Plant, Pennsylvania
Lasted 143 day in 1892 National Amalgamated Association of Iron and Steel Workers v Carnegie and manager of the plant Henry Frick 7 strikers and 3 Pinkerton agents killed

7 Pullman Strike Friday May 11, 1894
Workers walk out of Pullman Car Company who built sleeper cars Rioting goes on until mid July American Railway workers led by Eugene Debs support the Pullman workers President Grover Cleveland calls in federal troops to restore order/Debs is arrested

8 Populism- The Farmer’s Response
Mary Lease – activist in the Populist movement

9 Populism Terms Freight rates Land speculators Inflation/deflation
Granger Mvmt Tx Alliance Southern Alliance Colored Alliance Charles Macune Sub-treasury Plan Initiative, referendum, secret ballot, direct election of senators Panic of 1893 William McKinely Populist/Peoples Party Omaha Platform Free coinage of silver William Jennings Bryan Cross of Gold Speech Grover Cleveland

10 Charles Macune

11 WJB – “Cross of Gold”


13 “The Wizard of Oz” was originally a book by Frank L
“The Wizard of Oz” was originally a book by Frank L. Baum – a parable on Populism. Who do the characters represent?

14 Social Darwinism – add to test

15 Populist cartoon representing monetary issues of the 1896 election

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