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Lesson 3 Vocabulary English I Honors.

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1 Lesson 3 Vocabulary English I Honors

2 1. Abridge- to make shorter
It is the sacred duty of all Americans to oppose any attempt to abridge or deny the rights guaranteed to us in the Constitution. 2. Adherent- a follower, supporter; attached , sticking to One can’t become a good writer just by adhering closely to rules laid down in standard grammar books.

3 3. Altercation- an angry argument
What began as a minor quarrel grew into a serious altercation and then into an ugly brawl. 4. Cherubic- resembling an angel portrayed as a little child with a beautiful, round, or chubby face; sweet and innocent. Their cherubic faces and ethereal voices almost made me believe that the music they were singing was coming from heaven.

4 5. Condone- to pardon or overlook
I do not entirely condone your misconduct, but I can understand , to a degree, why you behaved as you did. 6. Dissent- to disagree; a disagreement In a dictatorship, people who dissent from the official party line usually wind up in prison- or worse.

5 7. Eminent- famous, outstanding, distinguished; projecting
I am very much flattered that you have referred to me as an “eminent educator”, but I prefer to think of myself as just a good teacher. 8. Exorcise- to drive out by magic; to dispose of something troublesome, menacing, or oppressive The comforting presence of relatives did much to exorcise the patient’s feelings of alarm at the thought of undergoing major surgery.

6 9. Fabricate- to make, manufacture; to make up, invent
My cousin has so much imagination that he can fabricate an excuse that even an experienced principal would believe. 10. irate- angry The fact that many citizens are irate over the new taxes does not mean that these taxes are unjustifiable.

7 11. Marauder- a raider, plunderer
The robber barons of an earlier era often acted more like marauders than ethical businessmen in their dealings with the public. 12. Obesity- excessive fatness Anyone who wants to dine at that outrageously expensive restaurant had better carry a credit card or a truly obese wallet.

8 13. Pauper- an extremely poor person
I feel like a pauper now that my part time job has come to an end and I no longer have any spending money. 14. Pilfer- to steal in small quantities Like all literary sneak thieves, he has a truly nasty habit of pilfering other people’s ideas and then claiming them as his own.

9 15. Rift- a split, break, breach
Unless we repair the rifts in our party and present a united front, we will go down to crushing defeat in the upcoming election. 16. Semblance- a likeness; an outward appearance; an apparition The few words that she grudgingly muttered were the only semblance of an apology that she offered for her rude behavior.

10 17. surmount- to overcome, rise above
The fact that Abraham Lincoln was able to surmount the handicap of a limited education does not mean that you should quit school. 18. terminate- to bring to an end Either party has the right to terminate the agreement that has been made whenever the partnership proves unprofitable.

11 19. Trite- commonplace; overused, stale
His speech was so trite that one could almost anticipate the phrases he would use next. 20. Usurp- to seize and hold a position You had no right to usurp for yourself the role of gracious host at my party.

12 Sentences 1. Though I was hurt by the tactless comment, I tried to show pleasure in it by twisting my lips into a feeble__ of a smile. Semblance 2. During a recent interdenominational service in our community center, the__ of various faiths met to worship as one. Adherents

13 3. “ That child may have an angel’s __ features, but at heart he is a little devil,” I exclaimed in disgust. Cherubic 4. A few of us who disagreed strongly with the committee’s conclusions felt compelled to raise our voices in_. Dissent 5. Although I am not a particularly argumentative person, last week I found myself involved in a heated__ with a salesclerk. Altercation

14 Assignment Choose 10 words from the vocabulary list. Write a sentence using each word. You are not allowed to use the following words: Semblance Adherents Cherubic Dissent Altercation

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