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Presentation on theme: "MEMBER ENGAGEMENT."— Presentation transcript:


2 Have new member packets available

3 New Member Welcome Letter/Email Template
Connect with Us (VFW Auxiliary Officer and National contact information) Member Benefits One-Sheeter Option 1 Member Benefits One-Sheeter Option 2 Know Your Bylaws Understanding Auxiliary Traditions VFW Auxiliary Acronyms and Common Terminology VFW Auxiliary National Programs: An Overview VFW Auxiliary Facts Leaflet (updated August 2017) VFW Store Flier (updated October 2017)

4 Make members feel appreciated
Assign a mentor Invite members to attend District and Department meetings Find out what their interests are and ask them to help serve On a committee that include their interests

5 Many organizations lose members as fast as they recruit them
Many organizations lose members as fast as they recruit them. There are common problems we all have in keeping members involved and active. Here are some typical ones:

6 The organization's meetings are long and boring Members do little other than to listen to leaders talk A small clique has all the power and does not encourage others to get involved

7 Members are not valued and are never thanked or praised for the work they do
Members feel useless or frustrated The organization has no projects that members can be involved in Members feel that they are getting nothing out of the organization.

8 Members feel that they are getting nothing out of the organization
Members are not valued and are never thanked or praised for the work they do Members feel that they are getting nothing out of the organization

9 Six questions to ask members
What do you care about? What type of contribution would you like to make? What constraints should we know about? What support would help you fulfill your commitment? How can we best communicate/connect with you? Who else do you know who might be interested in our cause? By asking these questions it sends a message that this is a community where people make contributions.

10 Ask each member to share a little about themselves to the new member
Consider organizing an orientation program after new members are initiated Appoint a mentor that can explain what is going on in the meeting. Make sure your committee members explain a little about their committee. It is difficult to sit in a meeting when you don’t know what is being discussed or reported. We must make meetings interesting so members will want to come back. Try to get along!!!!

Use official meeting time to take care business that can only be transacted formally, such as making a motion and voting. Adjourn the meeting in a timely manner, and invite members to stay for round-table discussions to work out event details within committees. The atmosphere of a meeting can make or break it. Be aware of moods, tensions and demeanors comes with any position of power. It is up to the Auxiliary President to set the tone. Define your chairman of their goals. Don’t say this is an easy program. No program is that easy if you are going to do it right. I’m sure you can come up with more interesting ways.

12 Sometimes new members feel like they are all alone in the middle of a corn field, with nothing or anyone around them “If you ask them, they will join.”

13 I’m proud but tired of being second fiddle.
When was the last time you were excited to see me? It has been great being your favorite this past year and the year before and the year before that. I have really enjoyed it, but the bad news is that I need a break

14 I just want to be used. You haven’t used me once this past year
I just want to be used. You haven’t used me once this past year. Could you please use me sometime?

15 you make me work harder than any other
I’m always in the background, you don’t even know I’m around. It makes me feel empty you only use me when there is no one else, it’s not fair. Is it too much to ask that you let me do more. you make me work harder than any other I need a rest

16 We want our members to be happy. So, let’s include all our members
We want our members to be happy. So, let’s include all our members. I’m sure you can come up with ways to include all your members and make them happy so they will want to return and get involved. This will also show new members how well we work together to get things done. What satisfaction they will receive when they are doing good for others. The same feelings we all have Happy Members IS THIS YOUR MEMBERS

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