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Prehistoric Vocabulary

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Presentation on theme: "Prehistoric Vocabulary"— Presentation transcript:

1 Prehistoric Vocabulary

2 Prehistory Time before history was written down

3 Archaeologist Scientist who studies artifacts to learn about the lives of early people

4 Artifact Items that are man- made such as pottery, jewelry, weapons, and tools

5 Ecofact Evidence that hasn’t been changed or touched by humans, such as seeds, animal bones, fossils

6 Anthropologist Scientist who studies artifacts, ecofacts, and oral histories to learn about a culture or group

7 Culture Behaviors and beliefs characteristic to a particular social, ethnic, or age group

8 Horticulture The science of growing / farming plants

9 Tribe or Clan A group of people who share a common ancestry, name, and way of living

10 Atlatl (ott – lattle) Sling like tool that threw darts accurately for far distances

11 Midden Heap Mound or deposit containing shells, animal bones, and other refuse (garbage) that indicates the site of a human settlement

12 Burial Mound Mound built over a grave or multiple grave sites

13 Ceremonial Mound Raised mound where ceremonial / religious services are held

14 B.C.E. / B.C. Before the Common Era / Before Christ. These dates run backward from 0 on a timeline.

15 C.E. / A.D. The Common Era / Anno Domini. These dates run forward from 0 on a timeline.

16 Effigy Mound Mounds of earth and stone in the shapes of birds, bear, deer, bison, lynx, turtle, panther, or water

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