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The little Mermaid: Hero Theory

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1 The little Mermaid: Hero Theory
Ganna Kurishi 5th hour

2 Element of Theory Ariel wants to explore another world. She feels out of place in her world because she is the only curious sea creature that wants to venture out into another world and discover new things. This isn’t allowed in her real world and she defies the rules and explores anyways showing her difference compared to her world.

3 Call to adventure Ariel has fallen in love with a human. She has a statue of him in her secret place where she keeps all her human things. Her father comes and destroys all her things and she is left heart broken. Ursula's two eels come to Ariel and persuade her to take her call of adventure, to become human and make Eric fall in love with her.

4 Companions Ariel has two main companions on who help her throughout her journey. Sabastian and Flounder help Ariel make decisions that will help her accomplish her goal of getting Eric to kiss her. They help mentor her in winning a mans heart.

5 Talismans There is one main talisman that basically controls Ariel’s fate. There is a necklace Ursula has that contains Ariel’s voice which prevents her from easily completing her journey of love.

6 Night or sea journey Ariel soon journeys from the sea world to the human world. She is transformed into a human by Ursula’s magic and has to venture to the surface and learn to walk with her newfound legs.

7 Road of Trials Ariel must face many challenges in order to complete her goal. She doesn’t have her voice so she must make Eric fall in love with her without speaking with him. She also must make him kiss her by the sunset on the third day. If not, she is doomed.

8 Abduction Eric is hypnotized by the evil sea witch and she tricks him into marrying her. Ariel now has to save him from this kidnapping in order to save herself.

9 Magic Flight/ Pursuit Towards the end Ariel has to try to escape Ursula’s wrath once she captures the sea kings power. She must destroy the sea witch to get to her love, Eric.

10 Ultimate Boon/ Magic Elixir
Ariel is stuck at the bottom of a whirlpool and with Eric’s help, he takes a ship and stabs Ursula in the stomach destroying her into a million pieces. Finding a solution to their problem.

11 Apotheosis Ariel has now accomplished killing the evil sea witch with the help of others. She reaches the status of “god” when her father notices all that she went through and he turns her human.

12 Refusal of the Return Ariel refuses returning to her sea world where she began her journey. She looks out to the human world and wants to be a part of them.

13 Crossing the return threshold
Ariel clearly returns to the true home in her heart when she crosses over to the human world. Therefore she returns home in a sense that she found the true home she belongs to.

14 Master of two worlds Ariel has now conquered both worlds. She has become accustomed to the sea world and the human world as she is now apart of both.

15 Freedom to live/ Resolution
Ariel solves the problem she is facing by becoming a human and marrying the love of her life. She is now free to live amongst the humans and love Eric as she pleases.

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