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WAll-E’s Journey!.

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Presentation on theme: "WAll-E’s Journey!."— Presentation transcript:

1 WAll-E’s Journey!

2 The Call to Adventure Wall-E falls in love with the robot Eve comes to earth. Wall-E instantly falls in love with Eve. When it comes time for Eve to leave Wall-E doesn’t want her to so he goes after her! Which leads him to his journey!

3 Refusal of the Quest Wall-E never had a problem with going on this journey. All he wanted to do was be with Eve and nothingwas going to stop him.

4 Supernatural Aid Wall-E has a few supernatural aids. He gets help from Eve, another robot Mo, and the humans eventually become friends with Wall-E and help him.

5 Cross the first Threshold
Wall-E ends up on the space ship with Eve, full of robots and humans.

6 Wall-E is in space and cannot return if he tried.
Belly of the Whale Wall-E is in space and cannot return if he tried.

7 Road of Trials -When Wall-E first is on the ship he has to find Eve.
-Eve carries a plant that will take them back to earth to live. However, the autopilot takes it away from the captain, so Wall-E has to try to get it back for the captain. -In the process of getting the plant back, they get in trouble and are sneaking around the ship to get the plant.

8 Meeting with the Goddess
Wall-E has met Eve and is in love with her

9 Woman as Temptress Eve tries to convince Wall-E to leave and let her deal with the problem.

10 Atonement with the Father
Wall-E has to face the autopilot in order to get the plant in its rightful spot for them to go home to earth.

11 Apotheosis Wall-E is crushed by the door because the auto pilot forced it to close. He almost to the point of his death.

12 The Ultimate Boon Eve is able to help Wall-E out and get the plant inside the door before it closes, so they are able to go home.

13 Wall-E would rather stay with Eve in space rather than go home.
Refusal of the Return Wall-E would rather stay with Eve in space rather than go home.

14 They escape by going back to earth.
Magic Flight They escape by going back to earth.

15 Wall-E needs Eve’s help to stay alive and regain his memory.
Rescue from Without Wall-E needs Eve’s help to stay alive and regain his memory.

16 Crossing the Return Threshold
Wall-E is able to go back to earth with all of his robot and human friends from space.

17 Wall-E was able to live in space and earth.
Master of Two Worlds Wall-E was able to live in space and earth.

18 Freedom to Live Wall-E is free of worrying about Eve and the safety of the humans from the autopi

19 Wall-E’s Journey!

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