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Plymouth Homework Project

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1 Plymouth Homework Project

2 Your task: Over the rest of the term your homework is to compile a visitors guide to Plymouth. You need to present your project as a booklet. Each page should be titled under the headings on the next page. You need to think about how the booklet looks, use lots of pictures and maps! We will collect in the guide at the end of your unit.

3 The sections: Plymouth’s Location (where are we?)
How has Plymouth Developed? (over time – look at your maps, remember the 3 towns into 1 city) Plymouth’s attractions (stuff tourists and visitors come for!!) Plymouth’s history (Drake and the Pilgrims) Plymouth’s Future……up to you!!! Deadline – Your last lesson of this term!

4 Criteria for Success: Level 3: State, list draw and images (i.e. a list of attractions) Level 4: Describe – what, where, when, who? (i.e. The Plymouth aquarium is the UK’s number 1, it is full of thousands of fish and even has sharks! You can see how the coastline of the southwest is full of life, and how we affect it.) Level 5: Explain – why and how? (i.e. Plymouth has a new style city centre, this is BECAUSE the old one was destroyed in WW2, and we did not want to build in the same problems. The roads were too narrow for cars leading to congestion, Abercrombie designed a city centre which sent cars round the outside.)

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