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Do Now Think about your environment. . .

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Presentation on theme: "Do Now Think about your environment. . ."— Presentation transcript:

1 Do Now . . . . Think about your environment. . .
What natural things can you see around the school? What man made things can you see around the school?

2 Match the correct phrase to the correct definition
Human feature Physical feature City A large town often with a cathedral Something man-made Something natural Investigating Spain L/O: To create a map to show the location of human and physical features



5 Investigating features of Spain and Europe
L/O: To create a map to show the location of human and physical features Learning Criteria All of you – create a map and key to show where features are in Spain and Europe Most of you – explain the location of human features Some of you – Explain how human features can affect the environment

6 Mountains Rivers Cities

7 Create a key for: Human features Physical features Spain
Investigating Spain L/O: To create a map to show the location of human and physical features





12 Europe’s human and physical features
Which tourist sites rely on human physical features? E.g. ski resorts? Do you think these tourist locations could affect the environment? Why? What can you tell about how the climate changes in Europe? Where is hotter / cooler? Why do you think this is? What do you notice about where the rivers start and finish?

13 Homework: Project unit 1
My Place project! Part 1

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