Subject Name: Microcontroller Subject Code: 10ES42

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1 Subject Name: Microcontroller Subject Code: 10ES42
Prepared By:Pavana H, Gopika D K Department: ECE Date: 9/19/2018

2 MSP430 MSP430 (Mixed Signal Processor 430) is a family of ultralow power 16 – bit RISC processor from Texas Instruments. It is mainly designed for low - cost and specifically low - power battery operated embedded applications. MOTIVATION FOR MSP430 MICROCONTROLLERS Low power consumption: The electric current drawn in idle mode can be less than 1 µA.The MSP430 also uses six different low-power modes, which can disable unneeded clocks and CPU. Compiler Friendly: MSP430 can be programmed in C. It has 16 registers which can be used to store local variables, parameters passed to subroutines etc. 9/19/2018

3 KEY FEATURES CPU is small and efficient, with large number of registers.It can be put in low power mode without any special instructions There are several low power modes, depending on how much of the device should remain active and how quickly it should return to full speed operation Flexible clock system with wide choice of clocks. Up to 256KB In-System Programmable (ISP) Flash,Up to 100 pin options,USART, I2C, Timers LCD Driver. 9/19/2018

4 Applications Wildlife habitat monitoring: Animals like elephants, tigers etc are radio collared and their movements are monitored to prevent them from entering human habitats, for head count etc. Structural monitoring: Huge structures like bridges, dams, buildings etc need to be monitored continuously. RFID based eChipko: This was a movement started in Uttarakhand to monitor felling of trees. 9/19/2018


6 MSP430 is a 16 - bit processor, both address bus (MAB) and data bus (DAB) are 16 bits wide.
It has a Von Neumann architecture. All program, data memory and peripherals share a common bus structure. It is a Reduced Instruction Set Computer (RISC) with only 27 core instructions. Watchdog timer is provided which resets the processor if the program is stuck in an infinite loop A host of communication interfaces such as RS232, USB, SPI, I2C, etc. are available 9/19/2018

7 Flash memory used to store the program and 128bytes of RAM
CPU is supported with a large number of analog and digital peripherals which allows MSP(Mixed Signal Processing) to take place on chip. Intelligent peripherals allow CPU to be turned off to save power or perform some other activities. Flash memory used to store the program and 128bytes of RAM Clock generator generates 3 different clocks MCLK, ACLK, SMCLK using four different sources VCO,DCO,LFXT1 and XT2 9/19/2018

8 CLOCK SYSTEM 9/19/2018

9 i)Low or High frequency Crystal Oscillator (LFXT1)
Clock sources MSP430 meets the demand for high performance, low power and precise frequency by using three internal clocks derived from four sources. The four clock sources are: i)Low or High frequency Crystal Oscillator (LFXT1) ii) High Frequency Crystal Oscillator (XT2) iii) Internal very low power, low frequency oscillator (VLO) iv) Digitally controlled Oscillator (DCO) 9/19/2018

10 Clock system provides three outputs. They are:
Clock Outputs Clock system provides three outputs. They are: Master Clock (MCLK): It is used by CPU and few peripherals. Sub-System Master Clock (SMCLK): It is used by peripherals. Auxiliary clock (ACLK): It is used by peripherals but it is slow. 9/19/2018

11 Memory subsystem 9/19/2018

12 Distribution of Memory space is as follows: 1) Interrupt vector table
2) Flash/ROM 3) Information memory (Flash devices only) 4) Boot memory (Flash devices only) 5) RAM 6) Peripheral modules 7) Special Function Registers (SFRs) 9/19/2018

A wide choice of interfaces are available to exchange information with another IC or system. Some of them are: USART (Universal Synchronous/Asynchronous Receive/Transmit) –This peripheral supports asynchronous serial communication of MSP430 with an external system. It supports programmable baud rate and independent interrupt capability for receive and transmit. USCI (Universal Serial Communication Interface) It supports multiple serial communication modes with single hardware module. 9/19/2018

14 USI (Universal Serial Interface) –It is a serial communication interface with a data length of up to 16 bit. I/O (Input Output) – MSP430 devices have up to 10 digital I/O ports labeled P1 to P10. Each port has8 pins and every pin is configurable for input or output. Ports P1 and P2 have interrupt capability. 9/19/2018

15 PERIPHERALS Operational Amplifier (OA) DAC12
DMA (Direct Memory Access) LCD/LCD_A MPY (Multiplier) BOR (Brown Out Reset) TimerA/TimerB Analog to digital converter Comparator_A/Comparator_A+ 9/19/2018

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