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A Turbulent Decade 1919-1929.

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Presentation on theme: "A Turbulent Decade 1919-1929."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Turbulent Decade

2 Bell-Ringer Put examples of Society after World War I up on the board.
Explain why the words are put in this order.

3 A Turbulent Decade Demobilization Labor Strife The Red Scare
Immigration Palmer Raids Xenophobia Sacco and Vanzetti Women ERA KKK Black Nationalism

4 Objective Discuss some of the economic outcomes of demobilization.
Explain what caused the public hysteria of the Red Scare. Recount why the Sacco and Vanzetti trial aroused public interest.

5 Demobilization Industry is beginning to dry up
Transition from wartime to peacetime Women make sacrifices Reduction in economic activity, brief recession Causes social/economic strain

6 Labor Strife City officials and business leaders express alarm
Passing the “buck” to the immigrants Strikes would not work all of the time Tactic = call the strikers “unpatriotic” and “communist”

7 The Red Scare Period of anticommunist hysteria – “xenophobia”
Immigrants come under suspicion The Palmer Raids Raids to go after radicals People were deported J. Edgar Hoover and the Bureau of Investigation

8 Activity – Sacco and Vanzetti Biography
Questions: 1.) Describe the background history of Sacco and Vanzetti. 2.) What was the cause of their arrest? 3.) How does Sacco and Vanzetti being arrested represent American attitudes towards immigrants at the time? 4.) What civil liberties/rights are being taken away? 5.) What was the final result of the case?

9 Sacco and Vanzetti Case shows the hostility towards foreigners
Both men were found guilty Issue divided Americans on civil liberties issues Nicola Sacco Bartolomeo Vanzetti

10 Review What resulted from demobilization?
What had caused the public hysteria of the Red Scare? How does the Sacco and Vanzetti case represent American attitudes towards immigrants at the time?

11 Republicans Gain Power

12 Election of 1920 Warren G. Harding promised change during demobilization “Less gov’t in business, more business in gov’t.” Reduce debt, promote growth Increase in tariffs, promotes mergers

13 New Direction for Women
Unity among women dissolves after 19th amendment passed Debate over the Equal Rights Amendment Men and women oppose Fails to win support

14 Teapot Dome Scandal Transfer of control
Accepting bribes from Navy officials Calvin Coolidge attempts to restore reputation of presidency Democrats want to be “Party of Progress” with Hoover in 1928

15 A Divided Nation

16 The Return of the KKK Racial tension as a result of blacks moving from farms to cities The Midwest Powerful in Indiana NAACP publishes antilynching campaigns Marcus Garvey proposes Black Nationalism

17 Immigration Restrictions
Americans disliked immigrants… Holding radical views Taking jobs Quota system established 2% for each nationality Native Americans granted citizenship, still poverty

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