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The Mechanization of War

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1 The Mechanization of War
WWI Weapons The Mechanization of War

2 Bellwork Question In your table groups, discuss:
What does the word mechanization mean? Have a quick discussion and if you need to, use a resource like a dictionary or a cell phone.

3 Definition of Mechanization
- to make mechanical. - to operate or perform by or as if by machinery. - to introduce machinery into (an industry,enterprise, etc.), especially in order to replace manual labor. - military – to equip with tanks and other armored vehicles.

4 One of WWI’s Greatest Legacies is its impact on modern warfare
1) Mechanization of War 2) Trench Warfare

5 Bolt Action Rifle Used by British soldiers in the trenches
Had a long range

6 Machine Guns Took several men to operate 1 machine gun = guns

7 Artillery (Large field Guns)
12 men to operate Fired large shells that would explode on impact

8 Chlorine Gas Used by Germans used it first Very painful death

9 Mustard Gas Most deadly weapon Fired into enemy trenches
Takes time to take effect and kill

10 Zeppelin Blimp that dropped bombs/machine gun fire
Abandoned because they were easy to shoot out of the sky

11 Tanks First developed by the British The original tanks were very slow

12 Planes Initially used for reconnaissance, soon became bombers/dogfights

13 Torpedoes/UBoats Used to target ships carrying supplies to the enemy

14 In your Notebooks… Tape or glue the “First World War Weapons” notes in. Next to the entry, write: WWI = Mechanization of War (using more machines in place of people). Highlight this! This will be a test question!

15 Finally If you were a soldier during WWI, and this was the height of weapon technology, which weapon would you choose and why? Provide examples of why you chose your weapon – think strategy. Your response should 3-5 sentences in length.

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