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Presentation on theme: "The webinar will start soon, please see below for helpful information"— Presentation transcript:

1 The webinar will start soon, please see below for helpful information
Full Screen To chat with presenter

2 Your Member Benefit Survey History Resident Characteristics
Staffing Information Cost Report and Medicare Utilization CMS Five Star Rating

3 Objectives Understand LTCTT Report Data Sources Uses for Reports
Hidden Secrets of Reports

4 LTC Trend Tracker New Features
Report Scheduler– User can schedule reports to be ed on a certain day AHCA Turnover and Retention Survey Report Provides retention and turnover information Custom Geographic Peer Group Users can select geographic region ex: state, county, city, or CBSA

5 LTC Trend Tracker New Features
AHCA Quality Initiative Clinical Measure Long-Stay Resident Rehospitalization Short-Stay Resident Rehospitalization Long-Stay Resident Off-Label Anti-Psychotic Short-Stay Resident Off-Label Anti-Psychotic

6 Data Sources The information in reports are uploaded by AHCA for facilities (identified by their Medicare provider number) CASPER (Formerly OSCAR) Reports– collected at time of survey Cost Report- from the full cost report submitted to your FI/MAC FIVE Star and Quality Measures– Nursing Home Compare Medicare Patient Days by RUG Category – LTC Trend Tracker participants Rehospitalization –Claims data (Brown University) Antipsychotic system– MDS 3.0 Turnover and Retention- Annual AHCA Staff Vacancy, Retention, and Turnover Report

7 Peer Group Selection National State County City Zip Code
First Pick your Area Next pick your peer group National State County City Zip Code Develop a custom peer group For Profit Not for Profit Chain Facility Single Facility CCRC Veterans Homes All Peers Own Organization Many More 7

8 Dashboard This landing page provides users with quality, financial, and regulatory compliance all in one easy to use area. Each user has the ability to customize their dashboard by selecting report summaries that are of interest to their area of expertise.


10 Rehospitalization data
Have data from Compare your organization/facility to peer groups National State County City Congressional District


12 Antipsychotic Antipsychotic- Short Stay off label resident data
Long Stay off label resident data MDS 3.0


14 Which is Which? Clinical/Resident Information- CASPER Resident Characteristics, NH QM Report Regulatory Compliance–Standard Health Survey, Complaint, Combined, and Life Safety Code Financial and Marketplace results– Cost Report, Five Star, CASPER Staffing Report and Medicare Utilization Report, Turnover and Retention Report

15 2011 Updates - Features Report Scheduler–
User can schedule reports to be ed on a certain day AHCA Turnover and Retention Survey Report Provides retention and turnover information Custom Geographic Peer Group Users can select geographic region ex: state, county, city, or CBSA

16 2011 Updates -Features Updated Resident Characteristic Report
Added psychotropic drug utilization and documented behaviors Updated Medicare Utilization Report ADL utilization New dashboard metrics Survey, Medicare patient day distribution, rehospitalization, turnover and retention

17 How did you get that? The information in reports are uploaded by AHCA staff using your facility’s Medicare Number CASPER Reports– collected at time of survey Cost Report- from the full cost report submitted to your FI/MAC

18 How did you get that? FIVE Star– CMS Five Star info
QM– MDS Data NH QM DATA RUG Data-Facilities input directly Turnover and Retention Report- AHCA Turnover Survey that is sent to facilities

19 How to use the Historical Data
Allows the user to see performance in relation to the peers in percentile format The user can choose between a graph and a table Provides data at time intervals for data point analysis

20 Report Historical Timeframes
Five Star Report– 2 years OSCAR/CASPER Data- 5 years NH Compare Quality Measures- 5 years Medicare Cost Report- 4 years

21 Your LTCTT Report Upload Timeline
RUG and Five Star data- Monthly OSCAR/CASPER Data-Quarterly NH Compare Quality Measures-Quarterly Medicare Cost Report Quarterly 9/19/2018


23 Uses Prepare for QA meetings Examine staffing patterns Quality Award
Define market niche Training Survey Preparedness Study RUG Data Prepare for monthly budget review Access resident characteristics Develop action plans

24 Survey Says…

25 QA Meetings CASPER Reports—Staffing, Survey History, Resident Characteristic Reports NH QM Five Star Reports Cost Report Medicare Utilization Report

26 Budgeting Cost Report Medicare Utilization Report CASPER Staffing
Five Star Staffing Turnover and Retention Report

27 Have your Survey Entrance book ready?
Now have your team ready– Review the Survey Citation Reports to prepare your team and facility for survey Review top 15 tags in your state and national level for both LSC and Health Develop focus tags

28 What to take to Meetings?
Graphs Full Reports Dashboard


30 Report’s Hidden Secrets
Review Report ICONS Excel Function PDF function RUG Peer Group

31 ICONS ICONS ICON Function Printer Prints the current screen.
Full report, graphs Adobe The current screen is saved as PDF. Full report, graphs Excel Current screen is transferred to excel. When in the graph function can provide more historical data Book Click on this to open help docs, and resource pages Square Full Screen Mode

32 To open a graph click on graph icon
Click on AHCA to go to the AHCA homepage LTCTT logo goes to dashboard To open a graph click on graph icon

33 Click to toggle from chart to table
Roll over points to reveal the data

34 Will switch the percentiles from Nation To State
Same info as graph.

35 Click on Excel for more data

36 Sample Excel Table

37 Sample Restraint Graph

38 Click on PDF sends this screen to a PDF


40 Toggles from peer to peer difference

41 Summary LTC Trend Tracker provides an organization with Clinical, Quality, Five Star, Staffing and Financial Data Use for QA, Budgeting, and Regulatory Graph functions allows more historical analysis Use the PDF, and Excel functions for meetings

42 Please type your Questions in the Chat Box

43 Contact Info General Customer Support: Password Assistance, Add/delete Users, General Questions. Data Support: Questions about Data Anything Else: Peggy Connorton, Questions on how to use reports, general questions Training for new staff or large groups.

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