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(CGST) 3 – 4 December 2012 Conclusions

2 Conclusions (1) Item 3 – Recent developments in the EU transport policies DG MOVE informed the CGST about the growing importance of transport policies and the consequences in terms of data needs: data on urban mobility modal split by distance for both passenger and freight transport Detailed GHG emissions data for transport Item 4 –Eurostat priorities and organisational changes in Transport unit CGST took note of the recent developments at Eurostat level, the changes in responsibilities inside the Transport unit and its priorities for 2013 COORDINATING GROUP FOR STATISTICS ON TRANSPORT (CGST) , 3 – 4 December 2012

3 Conclusions Item 5.1 – Road freight Conclusion:
CGST was informed on main topics related to Road freight transport statistics and the conclusions of the recent Working Group Adoption of the Regulation 70/2012 (recast) Provision of the supplementary tables A, C, D, E is cancelled Dissemination tables include a new distance class for 300 km On-going development of an anonymisation method for the road freight micro data Conclusion: At the request of the MS, Eurostat will compile and provide the D tables for previous years: 2008, 2007 Eurostat will investigate possibilities to improve the quality of cabotage data Eurostat will introduce the 300 km distance classes for the reference year 2012 – distribution of the tables to the countries in summer 2013 COORDINATING GROUP FOR STATISTICS ON TRANSPORT (CGST) , 3 – 4 December 2012

4 Conclusions Item 5.2 – Rail
The CGST took note of the recent developments since the last CGST There are still countries which did not provide annexes F and G The error margins to detect suspicious growth rates will be modified The Guideliness document has been updated in 2012 Ongoing work for the amending Regulation Based on the informal consultation, some countries have provided their comments in written and during the meeting: Support for the technical changes Reservations were raised for the delegated acts and on essential/non-essential elements when it comes to Transport legal acts. Conclusion: Eurostat will consult the legal service and will modify the text based on the Road freight Regulation. The new draft text will be distributed to the countries COORDINATING GROUP FOR STATISTICS ON TRANSPORT (CGST) , 3 – 4 December 2012

5 Conclusions Item 5.3 Inland Waterways
Eurostat presented the on-going work on this domain and planned activities for 2013 Data are provided within the legal requirements The mirror checks exercise has shown an improvement for the countries with higher traffic volumes Planned task force for 2013 COORDINATING GROUP FOR STATISTICS ON TRANSPORT (CGST) , 3 – 4 December 2012

6 Conclusions Item 5.4 Maritime
The CGST took note of the main activities in this domain and main conclusions of the Working Group held in June 2012 First Eurostat delegated act was adopted beginning of 2012 (changes were the result of the work of the TF on Maritime and approved by the WG on Maritime) Eurostat will start the preparation of a new codified list of ports (countries that have not finalised the harmonisation are urged to do so by the end of 2012) Gentlemen agreement – ports handling less than 1000 tonnes and 200 passengers annually will no longer be required to report Proposal from the NL on sharing port to port mirror data on a quarterly basis (no extra work for the countries): Conclusion: NL proposal was adopted as a general extension of the existing gentlemen's agreement, following the same criteria as for the annual port to port checks: It is voluntary for countries to participate in these quarterly mirror checks All concerned countries have to agree to the scope and detail of the tables before quarterly mirror data is shared between countries (taking into account specific concerns regarding confidentiality agreements with ports, the use of estimates in the quarterly data etc.) COORDINATING GROUP FOR STATISTICS ON TRANSPORT (CGST) , 3 – 4 December 2012

7 Conclusions Item 5.5 Aviation Item 5.6 – Common Questionnaire
The CGST took note of the work carried out in this domain and on the use of the transport air data for the calculation of emissions using data sources made available by Eurocontrol Item 5.6 – Common Questionnaire The CGST was informed about: Data reception status The results of the Task Force on streamlining the pilot questionnaires Different inconsistencies between the CQ and RegWeb COORDINATING GROUP FOR STATISTICS ON TRANSPORT (CGST) , 3 – 4 December 2012

8 Conclusions Item 5.7 Regional
The CGST took note of the recent developments as concerns the Regional questionnaire From 2012 data collection is provided under REGWeb via eDAMIS RegWeb under TRIS in updated version of the Guidelines was provided to the national data providers Improvements foreseen for the validation rules COORDINATING GROUP FOR STATISTICS ON TRANSPORT (CGST) , 3 – 4 December 2012

9 Conclusions Point 6 Dissemination Point 7.1 Emissions from Transport
The CGST was informed about Eurostat dissemination policy with Statistics Explained playing a central role and the new channel for dissemination used by Eurostat Point 7.1 Emissions from Transport The CGST took note of the main objectives of this project that on the basis of available transport statistics will develop a bottom up approach for climate change policy assessment and modelling COORDINATING GROUP FOR STATISTICS ON TRANSPORT (CGST) , 3 – 4 December 2012

10 Conclusions Point 7.2 Modal Split Indicators
The CGST was informed on the on-going work to produce MSI by distance classes for the 5 transport modes at EU level Point 7.3 Anonymisation of Road freight micro data The analytical importance and sensitivity of RF survey variables was presented The proposed anonymisation scheme was presented MS will provide final comments (if any) on the proposed method. Following this consultation the method will be considered final. COORDINATING GROUP FOR STATISTICS ON TRANSPORT (CGST) , 3 – 4 December 2012

11 Conclusions Point 7.4 Transport Safety
The CGST took note of the progress in the Safety project The Memorandum of Understanding with ERA was signed; with DG MOVE is in an advance stage; for EASA and EMSA work is ongoing Point 7.5 IT and Standardisation The CGST was informed that Genedi is on phase out and should not be used anymore for creating and sending gesmes formatted files. Unitl SDMX is available the CSV format can be used to send data Mode by mode the SDMX standard will be introduced for data exchange. COORDINATING GROUP FOR STATISTICS ON TRANSPORT (CGST) , 3 – 4 December 2012



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