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Age of Jackson 1828-1836.

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1 Age of Jackson

2 How is Andrew Jackson depicted in this political cartoon?

3 History of “Old Hickory”
1. Orphaned (Parents victims in the Am. Rev.) 2. Enlisted into the army when 13 to fight the great cause (1780) 3. War hero of 1812 (Battle of New Orleans:1815) 4. Nick Name “Old Hickory” for his toughness, sturdiness, and being robust 5. National Native American Fighter (Florida) 6. Sticks to his guns (shoots British officers on the spot...but no one punishes him

4 History Continued….. *Self Made man
Decides to run for president (1824) Lost the election of 1824 to John Quincy Adams (son of John Adams) Jackson won the popular vote “Common Man” Problem: No candidate received more than half the electoral votes (Look at page 335) House of Reps. Elected Adams and Scandal broke

5 John Quincy Adam’s Presidency 1824-1828
“ Horrible” “tension” “ Could not get anything completed Congress more on the side for Jackson Shadow of being corrupt from the start

6 Jackson Wins election of 1829!
Related to the “everyday, common man” Born in a log cabin, rough, pioneer Fought in the Am. Revolution, War of 1812 hero Used “Mudslinging” to gain support and backing Won in a landslide (178 Electoral votes and 56% of the popular vote) Begins the American Success story!

7 Handout out packet

8 “To the victors belong the spoils!”
What do you think this means?

9 Can he be an absolute monarch!?
Tyrant If you were not on his side, then life was miserable Very arrogant; self-made man His ideas were the best and were going to be pushed through Acted upon motions regardless of the outcome or results

10 Problems Jackson faced

11 Issues at hand: 1. Tariffs: charging high fees on European made goods
Would make Americans buy American made items (Good for the North) South hated this because it would make products higher in price (cotton) VP John C Calhoun: States have the right to “nullify” this action if they feel it goes against the states interests. If they don’t get what they want, they can secede (South)

12 Group Question What if a state disagreed with the federal government? Did a state have the right according to the constitution to go its own way? Discuss and come up with your response on your white board

13 Jackson’s Response Response: “Our federal union…must be preserved” VP Calhoun resigned from office to take a senate seat to fight for Southern rights (nullification and secession) Jackson made sure the South would obey to new lower tariffs over several years by passing the “Force Bill” which allows the president to use the US military to enforce the acts of congress

14 South fights back South Carolina nullifies the bill
Jackson sends in troops South Carolina retreats, but does claim victory Another event that sets the stage for the Civil War What is the first event that sets the stage for the Civil War?

15 2. Native Americans

16 Conflicts to the land 5 civilized nations with successful economies: Cherokee, Creek, Seminole, Chicksaw, and Choctaw Lands out West not suitable for farming: hence move natives out whites can take land

17 Indian Removal Act Pay Native Americans to move West
Jackson sends officials to complete treaties Created a new territory: Oklahoma -

18 Read pages Cherokee Nation Trail of Tears Resistance




22 Primary Source: Listening to an account of a Cherokee’s experience on the trail of tears

23 3. Jackson vs. the Bank of the United States
Thought they owners were a bunch of wealthy Eastners who had control over the “everyday person” Bank had power: had much of the country’s money supply Represented everything Jackson was not “ The bank is trying to kill me, but I will kill it!”-Jackson 1832 election

24 Bank goes down Jackson decided to veto the bank’s charter bill to keep it existing Ordered the total withdrawal of all the funds and to place them into smaller state banks Panic of 1837: Depression (land values dropped, investments, banks failed, etc)

25 Not his problem!!! Martin Van Buren his successor
Used “Laissez-faire” (Let the people decide with no/little government involvement) Very disliked, set for failure Creation of a new party: Whigs “Man of the people” Log Cabin symbol

26 Van Buren Harrison

27 Assignment: Complete #4 from your Jackson Web Activity

28 Video

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