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Character Trait: Communication (Part 2)

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1 Character Trait: Communication (Part 2)
Based on pages of What Do You Stand For? For Teens: A Guide to Building Character by Barbara A. Lewis and How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie

2 Today we will focus on…

3 Communication Practice
You will be engaging in 4 conversations with four different people. Use the checklist to help you practice good communication skills.

4 Non-Verbal Communication
Go outside Without saying a word, line up in order of your birthdays. At the front of the line will be students born on January 1st and at the end will be students born December 31st You must communicate without words

5 Journal Prompt Write a well developed paragraph about what you learned about communication using the four checklists Write a well developed paragraph about what you learned from the non-verbal communication exercise outside

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