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Pasteurella multocida

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Presentation on theme: "Pasteurella multocida"— Presentation transcript:

1 Pasteurella multocida

2 Introduction A group of related bacteria isolated from hemorrhagic septicemia in a variety of animals and birds are considered as strains of single sps. Designated as P.multocida

3 Morphology Non motile Gram negative bacilli Non sporing
It resembles Yersinia in morphology

4 Culture Blood agar: moist, mucoid, and slimy growth
(smooth watery colonies) Nutrient broth: granular deposits at the bottom of test tube Mac conkey agar: colourless, non lactose fermenting Yersinia pasteurella

5 Bio-chemical reactions
Catalase: positive Oxidase: positive

6 Indole: positive Nitrate red.: +ve Gelatin: positive Lactose: non fermentor

7 Pathogenesis Often present in upper respiratory tract of animals such as sheep, dogs, cats, rats, and cattle Some times commensals in humans Infection Is by animal bites or trauma

8 Clinical manifestation
Local suppurative infections after bite Wound infections, Cellulitis, Abscess, Osteomyelitis. Meningitis following head injury. Respiratory tract infection. Pneumonia, bronchitis, sinusitis Appendicitis and its abscess

9 Treatment Tetracyclin Streptomycin penicillin

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