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Battle of Shiloh By: Alecia Stanley Mr. Oswald Period 7th.

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1 Battle of Shiloh By: Alecia Stanley Mr. Oswald Period 7th.

2 Important Information
The Battle of Shiloh, also Battle of Pittsburg Landing. It was a major battle in the Western Theater. Date: April 6-7, 1862. Took place in Southwestern Tennessee. Union Army General- General Ulysses S. Grant Confederate Army Generals- General Albert Sidney Johnston and P.G.T. Beauregard Left: General Ulysses S. Grant, Bottom Left: General Albert Sidney Johnston, Bottom Right: P.G.T. Beauregard.

3 Important Information
Grant and army was encamped at Pittsburg Landing on west side of the river and Confederates launched a surprise attack on Union troops there. 13,047 casualties on Union side. 10,699 casualties on Confederate side. On the first day Confederates had considerable success but were ultimately defeated on the second day. Union tactical victory. Union lost more men but still were considered winners. General Johnston was killed during first day of fighting. Confederates were forced to retreat from the bloodiest battle in U.S. history at the time.


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