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Ancient Egypt What do you already know about the pictures below?

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Presentation on theme: "Ancient Egypt What do you already know about the pictures below?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Ancient Egypt What do you already know about the pictures below?

2 Nile River Flows from South to North Starts in mountains & empties into Mediterranean Sea



5 Nile floods yearly leaving rich silt
Papyrus grows here=makes paper

6 King Narmer united Upper & Lower Egypt- 1st dynasty around 3100 BC
Ancient Egyptians King Narmer united Upper & Lower Egypt- 1st dynasty around 3100 BC Theocracy


8 Old Kingdom BC Pyramids Tombs for kings Start as—mastabas (rectangular burial mounds) Built mastaba on top of another mastaba= step pyramids


10 Bent Pyramid


12 Pyramids of Giza—Great Pyramid built for Khufu
Ancient Egyptians Pyramids of Giza—Great Pyramid built for Khufu 480 ft. tall Side is 755 ft. long 5.5 million tons of limestone, 8,000 tons of granite (imported from Aswan), and 500,000 tons of mortar

13 Mummification Removed organs Spices & salts dried out body Wrapped in linen Worldly possessions put in tomb

14 Sarcophagus & Canopic Jars


16 Shabtis: The Pharaoh’s Servants in the Afterlife


18 Middle Kingdom 2050 BC-1640 BC Hyksos “foreigners”—rule Egypt for 100 yrs. (had bronze weapons & chariots)

19 New Kingdom 1570 BC BC Prince Ahmose led revolt Pharaoh “great house”


21 1503 BC—female pharaoh—Hatshepsut




25 1370 BC—Akhenaten tried to change religion into monotheism
Deformed elongated face/limbs


27 Tutankhamun ruled from age 8 until age 19 Mysterious death
1333 BC– King Tut Tutankhamun ruled from age 8 until age 19 Mysterious death Tomb intact & filled with treasure in 1922 "Death comes on wings to he who enters the tomb of a pharaoh."

28 King tut





33 1200 BC—Ramses II ruled for 67 yrs.
Built massive monuments Pharaoh from the exodus story

34 seti

35 Ramses II

36 Polytheists Gods - part animal, part human, married each other, had children Afterlife - judged by Osiris w/ sacred feather


38 Egyptian writing=hieroglyphics


40 Science, Math, & Medicine
Calendar Geometry (used to build pyramids) Medicine—set broken bones

41 1st to use make-up & wigs

42 Ancient Egyptians The Rosetta Stone allowed historians to decode the hieroglyphics

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