Study Guide answers for Foundations of Government Test

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1 Study Guide answers for Foundations of Government Test

2 1. Who believed a social contract would work both ways. John Locke 2
1. Who believed a social contract would work both ways? John Locke 2. What is a dictatorship? One leader who has absolute control over citizens’ lives; citizens have no rights 3. What are the 2 types of democracies? Representative and Direct 4. Direct Democracy- citizens are directly involved in the day-to-day work of governing the country

3 5. Representative democracy- citizens elect their leaders to represent their rights & interests in government 6. What could occur in a STATE OF NATURE? No rules & no one in charge Everyone could be at war with one another No way for people to protect their rights

4 7. Monarchy- king or queen rules the country 8
7. Monarchy- king or queen rules the country 8. What divides power among several branches of government? Separation of Power 9. Constitution- our country's governments rulebook

5 10. What are the 4 roles of government?
Makes laws Helps citizens Keeps order Protects the country

6 11. The RIGHTS OF THE MINORITY limits government like this:
Limits the power of the majority Makes sure everyone is treated fairly Protects even small or unpopular groups 12. Who believed we were born with natural rights? John Locke

7 13. What are our natural rights? Life, Liberty, & Property
14. What type of government do we have in the United States? Representative Democracy 15. RULE OF LAW limits government like this: The law applies to everyone Even the president must follow the law There are procedures to make sure the law is enforced

8 16. Life- people want to live & will fight to survive 17
16. Life- people want to live & will fight to survive 17. Liberty- people want to be as free as possible 18. Property- people want to own things that help them survive, such as land, food, & tools 19. Who believed humans were naturally selfish and quick to fight; that we should have a single ruler? Thomas Hobbes

9 20. This person believed people were born with a mind like a blank slate and also believed if the government didn’t deliver its promise to protect the people then they could revolt. John Locke 21. Oligarchy- small group of people has all the power

10 23. In a state of nature who had the right to everything? Everyone
22. CONSENT OF THE GOVERNED limits government like this: Citizens have the right to vote Citizens can use their vote to change the government Citizens can even change the constitution by voting 23. In a state of nature who had the right to everything? Everyone

11 24. Who was influenced by John Locke’s writings. Thomas Jefferson 25
24. Who was influenced by John Locke’s writings? Thomas Jefferson 25. Junta- small group of people- usually military officers- who rule a country after taking it over by force

12 26. SEPARATION OF POWERS limits government like this:
No branch gets too much control Each branch can “check” what the other branches can do Each branch is responsible for a different function 27. A state is a body of people living in a defined space, with the power to make & enforce laws

13 28. A sovereign state has absolute power within it’s borders. 29
28. A sovereign state has absolute power within it’s borders. 29. Anarchy- nobody is in control 30. What is a contract? An agreement in which both sides agree to something in order to reach a shared goal

14 31. Who believed a social contract was not a two-way street; that if the people agreed to give up some rights and power in exchange for protection but if the government failed the people COULDNOT say anything? Thomas Hobbes 32. Theocracy- government that recognizes God or a divine being as the ultimate authority 33. Autocracy- a government in which one person has all the power

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