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Adjunct assembly 20 October, 2015.

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1 adjunct assembly 20 October, 2015

2 Agenda Welcome new adjunct faculty Leadership transitions
Dean search update Other college updates Adjunct faculty definition Adjunct Faculty Leadership Committee Adjunct Faculty Value Survey Response Results College-wide action steps Discussion on issues that AFLC should address this year External Relations Governance webpage

3 Welcome! Architecture Adjunct Faculty DHA Adjunct Faculty
Courtney Miller Bellairs Andrew Blaisdell Sam Carlsen Kirk Davis Rosemary Dolata Randall Holl Bruce Jacobson Thomas Meyer Amber Sausen Angie Taffe Peter Vondelinde Chris Wingate DHA Adjunct Faculty Bill Hickey Kari Ihle Hannah Johnson Scott Melanson Val Lopez Torres Fancy Trice Stefnee Trzpuc Landscape Adjunct Faculty Andrew Montgomery 9/19/2018

4 College Leadership transitions
Interim Dean Becky Yust – Appointment began June 15 Associate Dean for Academic Affairs Marilyn DeLong – Appointment began June 15 Department of Landscape Architecture Joe Favour – Appointment began August 31 Adjunct Faculty Leadership Committee Adam Jarvi continuing as chair 9/19/2018

5 Candidate #1 – Brook Muller
Dean Search Update Candidate #1 – Brook Muller Public Forum, 3:00-4:30 p.m., Thursday, October 15, Keller Hall Candidate #2 – TBA Public Forum, 3:00-4:30 p.m., Tuesday, October 27, Mississippi Room, Coffman Memorial Union Candidate #3 – TBA Public Forum, 3:00-4:30 p.m., Thursday, October 29, Keller Hall 9/19/2018

6 Enrollment Update 9/19/2018

7 Catalyst for Change Update
C4C is volunteer group of faculty, staff and students who are generating and implementing initiatives advancing the College to achieve its “Big Opportunity” Acknowledging its one year term, C4C worked intensely over the summer to identify initiatives that they believed would have the greatest impact and inclusion for Who We Are – survey analysis in progress Interdisciplinary – activities need input/help Engagement – network mapping and other activities Operations – communication within and without C4C, recording processes 9/19/2018

8 CDES adjunct faculty definition
CDES CONSTITUTION, ARTICLE IV. THE FACULTY Section 3: Adjunct Faculty Adjunct faculty constituency shall include those classified as adjunct instructor, adjunct assistant professor, adjunct associate professor and adjunct professor, with less than a 75% annual appointment. For the purposes of governance and committee representation, positions with faculty-like responsibilities such as lecturers, teaching specialists, research fellows, etc. with appointments less than 75% time are considered to be adjunct faculty. As members of the Faculty Assembly, adjunct faculty have voting rights in the Adjunct Leadership Committee and representation on working groups as defined by the Bylaws. 9/19/2018

9 Adjunct Faculty Leadership Committee (AFLC), 2015-2016
Members: Adam Jarvi, Architecture (chair) Aaron Marx, Architecture James Wheeler, Architecture Monica Fogg, DHA, Architecture, Interdisciplinary Kathryn Reiley, DHA Bruce Wright, Interdisciplinary Robert Gunderson, Landscape Architecture 9/19/2018

10 Adjunct faculty value survey
AFLC initiative Administered May/June 2015 Measured: Quality of employment Participation in service-related activities Value of relationship with fulltime faculty and the college Response rate: N=57 (60%) 9/19/2018

11 Survey response 9/19/2018

12 Survey Results – participation in service
Participation in CDes 82% reported participating in service-related activities on behalf of the college 94% - Providing recommendations for students 80% - Mentoring students 66% - Serving on committees 66% - Serving on design reviews 9/19/2018

13 Survey Results – participation in service (cont.)
Barriers to participating included: Not enough time (8 responses) Lack of compensation (4) Unsure of opportunities available (4) Haven’t been asked to participate (3) Not interested (1) Feel a lack of connection to the college (1) 9/19/2018

14 Survey Results – areas where improvement is needed

15 Survey results – perceptions of support

16 Survey results – Perceptions of value

17 Survey results – “I feel valued because:”
I feel that the work that I do is valued by students and faculty. I have a great boss and very supportive friends in the Dean’s office, workshop and photo labs. Feedback and support from faculty. I have always been included as a member of the faculty in communications about the college and opportunities to become involved in the life of the college. I was given the opportunity to develop a course. Being asked to return the following year shares [shows] that I am valued. 9/19/2018

18 Survey results – “I do not feel valued because:”
I do not feel valued by fulltime faculty. Their behavior indicates that adjuncts are second class fill-ins. After teaching at the U for over 10 years I have never been asked my opinion about classes or curriculum. I have never been on the roster of adjunct faculty. I also feel uncertain of my standing each year – will I be asked to teach again, when, for how many, for how much? After teaching for over 5 years I was informed I would no longer be teaching when I called to see if I was on the schedule. I don’t feel I get enough benefits (pay, development, accolades, etc.). I come in to help on my own time (missing work) to help out and there is no real compensation. I’ve never been invited in for an end of year 1 on 1 with a department head, associate dean or college dean during my entire 15+ years. I have only once in the 10 years of teaching a class had a faculty member visit my class and it was upon my request. 9/19/2018

19 College-wide action steps
Increase communication and clarity regarding hiring, annual reviews and promotion procedures. A search is required when hiring new adjuncts. Ideally, minimum of three-months’ notice with a letter of offer or, alternatively, a letter or phone call indicating that the adjunct is not scheduled to teach in the upcoming year.  (Last minute changes will be the exception, not typical practice.) Every adjunct will have a 1-on-1 performance review with appropriate administrator every year. Promotional procedures will be made clear to all adjunct faculty and implemented. 9/19/2018

20 College-wide action steps (cont.)
Increase acknowledgement of adjunct impact on College of Design culture. College/Department/School websites will include updated rosters of adjuncts. Heads will send thank you notes when the adjunct has gone “above and beyond.” 9/19/2018

21 College-wide action steps (cont.)
Adjuncts will be asked to participate in faculty meetings and course/curriculum planning and changes - especially when it applies to courses that they have taught. Adjunct compensation and access to opportunities will be examined by the Senior Leadership Group. Consistency of adjunct titles across units is precluded by University HR regulations, but titles will be reviewed for consistency to the extent possible.  9/19/2018

22 communications Media under CDes External Relations purview: Blog Monday News (Weekly to all students, staff, faculty & folks who sign up on website including prospective students, reporters, etc.) reDesign (bimonthly – mostly alums) Emerging Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, Instagram, YouTube Rapson & McNeal digital monitors Event/fundraising s Earned media 9/19/2018

23 Governance Webpage

24 Thank you! 9/19/2018

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