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TO YOUR LAPTOP How to Add a Printer Lesson 3 – November 18, 2013 – Michelle Lowe.

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Presentation on theme: "TO YOUR LAPTOP How to Add a Printer Lesson 3 – November 18, 2013 – Michelle Lowe."— Presentation transcript:

1 TO YOUR LAPTOP How to Add a Printer Lesson 3 – November 18, 2013 – Michelle Lowe

2 Click on the Start Button Click on the Start Button in the bottom left corner of the screen. Select Devices and Printers on the right side of the window that pops up.

3 Select Add a Printer from the Top The window on the right appears. Select Add a Printer from the top. The Add Printer window appears. Select Add a network, wireless or Bluetooth printer.

4 IF/THEN Decision If this screen appears, click HEREHERE If this screen appears, click HEREHERE

5 The Printer Wasnt Listed Since there are no printers listed, you will need to click on the option at the bottom: The printer that I want isnt listed.

6 Find the Printer You Want When this screen appears, you will want to click on the top option, Find a printer in the directory... Click the next button.

7 Select the Printer You Want If the list of printers at the bottom does not automatically appear, click the Find Now button on the right. Using the scroll bar on the bottom right side, locate the printer (by number) you are looking for and click on it ONE time to select it. Then click OK

8 Select the Printer You Want A list of printers will come up in the Select a Printer window. Choose the one you want by clicking on it. Once you have clicked on it, it will become highlighted. Click the next button.

9 The Installation Will Begin You should notice a small window that indicates it is downloading the driver and installing the printer. Once the installation is complete, you will receive this message if all goes well. Click Next to continue.

10 Set as The Default Printer After the installation is complete, you will have the option to set the printer as the default printer by placing a check in the box. You will want to do that so it will print to that printer automatically each time you want to print. Then click finish.

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