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Immigration in the 19th Century

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1 Immigration in the 19th Century

2 Early Immigration Prior to 1871, most immigrants to America came from northern and western Europe (_________________________ ______________) From 1871 to 1921, most immigrants came from southern and eastern Europe (____________________________) as well as from Asia (_________________) These immigrants came to America seeking better lives and futures for their families

3 Immigrant Workers In the West, ____________________ ___________________ All sorts of immigrants worked in the _______________________ ______________________ worked in the coal mines in the East Immigrants often worked for _________ ____________________ ________, but were vital to building the nation’s industrial strength

4 How Immigrants Entered the U.S.
Immigrants from Europe entered the United States through _______________ _______________ Their first view of America was often the ________________________________ ________________________________ “Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”

5 The Melting Pot Immigrants brought forth a new type of culture known as the “melting pot” – _________________________________ _________________________ _________________________________ and assimilate into American culture, while also bringing in new ideas

6 Discrimination Despite valuable contributions, immigrants often __________________ _______________________ There was a fear and resentment among many Americans that _______________ _________________________________ _____________________________ There was also prejudice based on _______________________________

7 Immigration Acts Resentment of immigrants led Congress to pass two acts limiting immigration: _____________________________ These laws _____________________ _________ for the next several decades However, immigrants in the United States __________________________ ________________________________

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