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Aboriginal Spirituality

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1 Aboriginal Spirituality

2 Learning Goals Understand the Origins of Aboriginal Spirituality
Understand the importance of creation stories and storytellers to the Aboriginal people Know where Aboriginals of today reside

3 Origins No single founder.
Two theories of Aboriginal origin/history in the Americas: They “came out of this ground,” meaning they were here before any record. They migrated from Asia to North and South America by crossing a land bridge over the Bering Strait (between Alaska and Russia) years ago.


5 Origins Archaeologists have found Aboriginal artefacts dating
back beyond years. Including wampum (beaded belts), animal paintings on rocks, bones representing burial rites, and wooden carvings.

6 Creation Stories Creation stories are important
vehicles for conveying Aboriginal beliefs Often oral. Offers a response to questions of existence: Why certain things in the environment are the way they are… Where do we come from? Where do we go when we die?

7 Storytelling Traditional Aboriginal storytellers had to earn the right to be a storyteller. They were important in teaching and in preserving the history of the group.

8 Creation Stories Australian Creation Story Ojibway Creation Story

9 Aboriginal Spirituality Around the World
Huge diversity of Aboriginal spirituality. Indigenous peoples live in every area of the globe. 80% of world’s 300 million Aboriginal peoples live in Asia. 13% in North and South America.

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