Moira Stalker National Co-ordinator SFDF Schools Programme.

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Presentation on theme: "Moira Stalker National Co-ordinator SFDF Schools Programme."— Presentation transcript:

1 Moira Stalker National Co-ordinator SFDF Schools Programme

2 Inspiring careers in food and drink SFDF is the representative body of food and drink manufacturers in Scotland. One of SFDFs strategic priorities is to enhance the competitiveness of the industry A key strand of this is to promote the industry as a career destination of choice To deliver this, we have received funding for A Future in Food and the newly established food and drink skills ambassador network

3 A Future in Food: Aims & Objectives Promote the food and drink industry as aCareer Destination of Choice Demonstrate industry relevance over a broad range of subjects. Make connections between what pupils are learning in school; qualifications and skills; employment opportunities and career pathways. Inspire pupils to make connections between the food on their plates and employment in the food and drink industry.

4 The Food and Drink Industry Many companies invest in staff development Importance of industrial placements, apprenticeships & training programmes Vibrant industry that offers a wide range of rewarding opportunities

5 A Future in Food: How it works SFDF brokers partnerships to encourage industry into schools and schools into industry To date A Future in Food has delivered: Unique partnerships, delivered across Scotland Different approaches used in each partnership Industry scenarios used to set scene Link with a range of industry and other partners

6 Partnerships – some examples S(o)uper Apprentice 25 P4/5 pupils worked in groups to investigate local produce to design, make, package and promote a healthy soup and in doing so find out about the food industry. Applied for different job roles Visits to farm and Macphie to find out where food comes from and to find out about the food chain Food Science Lab workshops Final event in March 2011 that parents were invited to and winners announced. Recipe book developed and printed and proceeds to support ongoing enterprise work in the school. Devro and Chryston High Devro used their own young staff to become company Ambassadors Ambassadors involved to develop and deliver a programme with workshops to help the school to deliver the microbiology curriculum 120 S1 pupils worked in teams to design and develop a magazine for Devro Science and home economics involved A launch event introduced Devro and the concept to the pupils Final event and presentation Edrington Group and local Secondary Schools Local employer working with 2 local schools Business Management and Science Plans to develop to look at wider business including languages, logistics etc. Western Isles and Stag Bakeries Winning product in production and on sale in all outlets and exhibited at FDF Parliamentary reception and will be showcased at SFDF Parliamentary reception Inter schools competition Support of local authority HMiE Industry driving development
















22 Changed pupils perceptions I am the director. I have to take charge and sometimes its hard. I learned that youve got to listen and let others have a chance to speak. I think that the most important things were team work, learning and having fun. I didnt realise there were so many different jobs. I had only thought about being a chef. Science and importance of science and labs came as a surprise This is just like maths – but fun! The project makes you think differently when you are in the supermarket as you think about where the product comes from. I didnt realise how many food companies there were locally.

23 Changed teachers perceptions The project has made us more ambitious as a school, we plan to extend what we have started and tackle similar projects. Teacher Milngavie Primary We didnt have to change the way we delivered the curriculum but having an industry partner gave a context for delivery and made the experience real for the pupils. Teacher Firrhill High School I found that having a link with a food company has made the course more relevant for the pupils as I could link it to real life. In previous years I found it challenging teaching specification points, as it was a difficult concept for the pupils to understand. Working with NFBC made this particular section relevant as the pupils where given specifications from the company to use therefore they understood their purpose. Teacher Coatbridge High School

24 Helped us to find out about education and better understand the new curriculum Helped us to develop our own staff Staff that were involved were buzzing after taking part. They did not want to take part in advance but really enjoyed it and would do it again! Helped to remind us why we are involved in industry. Good for the company to get involved in our local community Helped us to identify what our customers want. Changed Industry Perceptions


26 The Future Building on what has been achieved Strengthen partnerships with stakeholders Extend reach of programme New approaches and themes WE NEED YOU !

27 Moira Stalker Scottish Food and Drink Federation (SFDF) T. 0141 636 5498

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