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Literacy Research Memory Skill Practice Stretch!

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1 Literacy Research Memory Skill Practice Stretch!
How many common formulae can you find that are used in maths, science or business? Expression, Indices, Formula, Substitution, Like Terms Learn the formula for the area of a trapezium Area = ½ (a + b) h Skill Practice Stretch! The volume (V) of a cuboid is given by the formula V = abc. The surface area (S) of the cuboid is given by S = 2ab + 2bc + 2ac. Find the volume and surface are of the cuboid when a = 3cm, b = 4cm and c = 5cm a c b . 1) Simplify by collecting like terms: a) 5p - 2p b) 7y – 9y c) 8t + 3i – 6t - i d) 5p - 2q - 7p + 3q e) 8h – (3h + 2k) 2) Write the following expressions using index form or as simply as possible: a) b x b x b x b b) r x r x r x r x r x r x r c) p x 2p d) 2g x 3g e) 9k x 4 x 2k x k x 3k 3) If e = 4, f = -3 and g = 6, find: 4e + f b) 6g + 2e c) 7g – f d) f2 + 6e e) 5e - 2f – g f) e2 - f2

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