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Common Themes Nativism Fundamentalism Modernism Advances in Science

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1 “Roaring Twenties” (1920 - 1929)

2 Common Themes Nativism Fundamentalism Modernism Advances in Science
Republican Resurgence

3 Nativism Sacco & Vanzetti
Madison Grant’s The Passing of the Great Race (1916) Emergency Immigration Act (1924) Quota System Curb S. & E. European immigration

4 Sacco & Vanzetti

5 Nativism Ku Klux Klan Temperance Movement Prohibition WCTU
Anti-Saloon League Prohibition

6 Klan in DC, 1925

7 Klan in Maine, 1926

8 Fundamentalism Restore Protestant values Anti-Catholic ; Anti-Semitic
Reject Darwin’s theory of evolution Banned in several schools

9 The Scopes “Monkey” Trial
John Scopes, HS biology teacher in TN Accused of teaching evolution Convicted, but charges dismissed

10 Prohibition Anti-Saloon League Moral Issue  Legal issue
“Jubilee Convention” of 1913 Endorse national amendment outlawing alcohol

11 Reaction to Prohibition
18th Amendment Social Reactions: Speakeasies Cocktail Parties Organized Crime Al Capone “Bootlegging” St. Valentine’s Massacre

12 Reaction to Prohibition

13 Jazz Age Reject rural, middle-class values Jazz Music
New Dances (Charleston) Silent Movies Talkies 1920: 23,000 movie theaters Openness about sex

14 Women’s Liberation Changes in Marriage “Flappers”
Margaret Sanger & birth control The Woman Rebel American Birth Control League Eugenics League of Women Voters (1920)

15 “Flappers” & the “New Woman”

16 Women in the Workforce

17 The “New Negro” “Great Migration” NAACP ; Niagra Movement
; est. 1 million to northern cities NAACP ; Niagra Movement “Negro Nationalism” Marcus Garvey

18 “Harlem Renaissance” Claude McKay, c. 1925 Langston Hughes, c. 1925

19 Modernist Science Albert Einstein Max Planck Werner Heisenberg
Relativity Theory Max Planck Quantum Theory Werner Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle Human knowledge has limits!!!

20 Modernist Art Realism Cubism Abstract Art Pablo Picasso

21 Modernist Literature “The Lost Generation” T.S. Eliot Ernest Hemingway
F. Scott Fitzgerald

22 Harding Administration
Return to “Normalcy” The “Ohio Gang” Teapot Dome Scandal “Business-friendly”, lax regulation

23 Teapot Dome

24 Return to Laissez-faire?
Budget & Accounting Act (1921) Fordney-McCumber Tariff (1922) Revenue Act (1926) Tax cuts to rich 65% to 20% max. rate B & A Act - Independent budget preparation (Chi. Bank) ; balanced budget & reduced debt F & C Tariff - on iron & chemical products ; reduce competition from Germany

25 Coolidge Sworn In Harding dies of food poisoning on W. coast speaking tour Coolidge, VP from VT, becomes President

26 1924 Election

27 “Silent Cal” “The chief business of the American people is business”
“…a return to the Gilded Age presidency…” McNary-Haugen Bill (1927-8) Protective tariff for agri. Vetoed twice by Coolidge M-H Bill - protective tariffs for agriculture ; pump surplus into global market to increase domestic price

28 “Nation of Consumption”
Automobiles Ford Model T Movies Charlie Chaplin “Talkies” Radio Airplanes Subsidies for research, airports, mail Airplanes - govt. contracts are air-mail carriers for postal service

29 US Consumerism

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