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Jeopardy! 1790-1841 Click to Begin d.

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Presentation on theme: "Jeopardy! 1790-1841 Click to Begin d."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jeopardy! Click to Begin d

2 Politics In The 1790’s Foreign Affairs Jeffersonian Era Jefferson Era 2 Nationalism & Sectionalism Review $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500

3 Politics in The 1790's- $100 Only President With Unanimous Vote
George Washington

4 Politics in The 1790's - $200 He Was the Last Federalist to Become President
John Adams

5 Politics in The 1790's - $300 Made Financial Plan That placed America On firm Financial Ground
Alexander Hamilton

6 Politics in The 1790's - $400 Increased Requirements to become a Citizen
The Alien Act 1798

7 Washington's Farewell Address 1797
Politics in The 1790's - $500 Stated That U.S should Avoid Entanglement in European Affairs Washington's Farewell Address 1797

8 Foreign Affairs- $100 Act That Kept U.S Out of War in 1793
Neutrality Act

9 Foreign Affairs - $200 Americans Demanded War After This Incident led to Quasi War with France
X Y Z Affair

10 Foreign Affairs - $300 Treaty Required Indians to Give up Ohio River Valley
Treaty of Greenville

11 Foreign Affairs - $400 Agreement with Spain that gave the US New Orleans
Pinckney’s Treaty

12 Foreign Affairs - $500 A group of people from North Africa, who demanded protection money from all the nations who sailed the Mediterranean. Barbary Pirates

13 Jeffersonian Era- $100 Thomas Jefferson’s Vice-Presidential Running Mate
Aaron Burr

14 Jeffersonian Era - $200 Court Case the established the idea of Judicial Review
Marbury vs. Madison

15 Jeffersonian Era - $300 Crossed the Rockies and Reached the Pacific Ocean
Lewis & Clark

16 Jeffersonian Era - $400 Doubled U
Jeffersonian Era - $400 Doubled U.S Size and Was an Effort to Secure New Orleans Louisiana Purchase

17 Jeffersonian Era - $500 Justice of the Supreme who was impeached from office even though he committed no crime Samuel Chase

18 Jeffersonian Era 2 $100 British War Tactic to Recover Deserters From Their Ships

19 Jeffersonian Era 2 - $200 Prohibited U
Jeffersonian Era 2 - $200 Prohibited U.S to Trade With all foreign Nations Embargo Act 1807

20 Jeffersonian Era 2 - $300 The treaty which did nothing but end the War of 1812
The Treaty of Ghent

21 Jeffersonian Era 2 - $400 Burr’s Plans for Treason and Had Burr Arrested
Burr Conspiracy

22 Jeffersonian Era 2 - $500 He Explored the Great Plains
Stephen Long

23 Nationalism and Sectionalism - $100 Bank Formed by James Monroe
Second U.S Bank

24 Nationalism and Sectionalism - $200 THE GREAT COMPROMISER
Henry Clay

25 Nationalism and Sectionalism - $300 a document written mostly by John Quincy Adams, that closed America from future colonization Monroe Doctrine

26 Nationalism and Sectionalism - $400 First Major Depression in the U
Nationalism and Sectionalism - $400 First Major Depression in the U.S effect of over speculation of land and easy credit Panic of 1819

27 Nationalism and Sectionalism - $500 Allowed Missouri and Maine to Become States
Missouri Compromise

28 Review- $100 Traitor to the US who conspired with the British
Benedict Arnold

29 Mutiny or Quartering Act
Review - $200 Act that required colonists to provide quarters and supplies for British Troops in America Mutiny or Quartering Act

30 Review - $300 a group of patriots whose goal was to stop the enforcement of the Stamp Act of 1765
Sons of Liberty

31 Review - $400 The Major turning point in the War for independence
Battle at Saratoga

32 Double Jeopardy

33 He is considered to be the hero from the war of 1812,won the Battle of New Orleans and was elected president in 1828 Andrew Jackson

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