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Chapter 7 section 3 Review

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1 Chapter 7 section 3 Review

2 Outline Chapter 7 section 3

3 1. A leading advocate of economic nationalism

4 Answer: Henry Clay

5 2. Agreement that balanced the admission of a slave state with the admission of a free state.

6 Answer: Missouri Compromise

7 3. Policy promoting protective tariffs and internal improvements.

8 Answer: American System

9 4. Glorification of one’s country

10 Answer: Nationalism

11 5. Policy warning European nations to stay out of the affairs of countries in the Western Hemisphere

12 Answer: Monroe Doctrine

13 6. Secretary of State who strongly influenced the nation’s foreign policy in the 1820s.

14 Answer: John Quincy Adams

15 7. Supporters insisted that a national bank would
A. Reduce the economy’s reliance on gold. B. Reduce uncertainty about the value of money. C. Counter the negative effects of tariffs. D. Enable state and private banks to print their own money.

16 B. Reduce uncertainty about the value of money.

17 8. Under John Marshall, the Supreme Court
A. Declared the primacy of state law over federal law. B. Upheld the states’ right to regulate business and restrict enterprise. C. Favored a narrow interpretation of the Constitution. D. Interpreted the Constitution to give greater power to the national government.

18 D. Interpreted the Constitution to give greater power to the national government.

19 9. Which of the following showed the impact of nationalism on foreign policy?
A. Adams-Onis Treaty B. Missouri Compromise. C. American System D. Marbury v. Madison

20 A. Adams-Onis Treaty

21 10. The crisis over the Missouri Compromise exposed the
A. Nation’s weak foreign policy. B. Growing sectionalism over the issue of slavery C. Dangers of excessive nationalism. D. Trade imbalances that result from protective tariffs.

22 B. Growing sectionalism over the issue of slavery

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