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Tomoko Matsuo DAI/GSP *in collaboration with Jeff Anderson(DAI),

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1 Data Assimilation of MLT (~50-110 km) observations using a 3d chemical-dynamical model in DART
Tomoko Matsuo DAI/GSP *in collaboration with Jeff Anderson(DAI), Dan Marsh(ACD), Anne Smith(ACD)

2 Mesosphere and lower thermosphere

3 Scientific Objectives
climatological global tidal structure day-to-day synoptic scale tidal variability roles of non-migrating tides and planetary waves in creating or modulating the tidal variability.

4 TIMED-SABER/TIDI TIDI Dayside Measurements
Vector Wind O2 (0-0) P km O2 (0-0) P km OI nm km TIDI Nightside Measurements Vector Wind O2 (0-0) P km OI nm km

5 Data Availability Horizontal Axis
# of ground-based radars Total # of observations (50K) per Given time scale, assimilation window: one orbit a time (90-100min)

6 ROSE 3-D chemical dynamical model
[Rose and Brasseur, 1983; 1989] Model Resolution 38 levels (pressure coordinate) 17.5 to 110 km by 2.5 km 5º latitude x 11.25º longitude 7.5 min time step Chemistry 27 species, 101 gas-phase rxns (JPL-2000) Semi-lagrangian transport scheme Airglow package Offline D-region ion chemistry Photolysis rates based on T U V Dynamics Primitive equations Hines gravity wave parameterization NCEP and GSWM forcing at lower boundary Tidal amplitude comparisons Chemical and dynamical time scale. Chemistry has traditionally been a primary diagnosis of the region. Size of state vector (400K) Tn (K) Local time

7 Preliminary Results from synthetic observation experiments.
MODEL no natural error growth large uncertainty in forcing Ensemble Spread Reduction Ensemble mean and spread MODEL (no error growth & large uncertainty in forcing) OBSERVATIONS (the huge variability) COVARIANCE DART facilitation how quickly a given model can be implemented into DART

8 Summary Need of DA system for MLT region (~50-110km) is timely.
With the DART facilitation, a prototype ensemble filter assimilation system for synthetic observations with ACD's ROSE model is being constructed. Future Work: Assimilation of the ground-based and satellite observations (15 k scalar observations per TIMED orbit). Estimation of forcing and model parameters Challenges and Open Questions: How to cast a DA problem in strongly forced and dissipative systems when models do not have natural error growth? Model Error v.s. Observation Error: Observed day-to-day variability is significantly higher than the variability reproduced by numerical models. Large uncertainty in forcing pilot study for WACCAM_DART CAM’s gravity breaking parameterization,

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