Alun Edwards & Ylva Berglund Prytz.

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Presentation on theme: " Alun Edwards & Ylva Berglund Prytz."— Presentation transcript:

1 Alun Edwards & Ylva Berglund Prytz

2 Public contributors uploaded 1,488 submissions to project website in 4 months The project uploaded 729 submissions (about 3,500 digital objects) from 6 public participation days Public contributions to The Great War Archive 60% of the submissions March- June 2008 were directly received through our website Website: A Flickr group continues to collect, 3,325 images to date Costs per item: First World War Poetry Digital Archive cost £40.00 / item The Great War Archive cost £3.50 / item

3 E.g. at the Norwich submissions day, Tues April 8 th 2008 4 project staff, including a subject expert 3 local volunteers About 700 images / recordings were made From this the project catalogued and uploaded 169 digital objects (images and audio) The Great War Archive Approx 60 contributors brought in family keepsakes

4 Project Woruldhord or world-hoard 4,000 objects collected, mainly learning resources to teach early medieval English history & literature. Roughly 70% online contributions, with no submission days. Collection continues.

5 JISC rapid innovation projects: developing community content, 2010- e.g. Welsh Voices of the Great War Online, using RunCoCo software and guidelines 2,500 objects collected. Roughly 80% from submissions days or direct contact (email / post); very little from the public online. Welsh Voices of the Great War Online

6 E.g. at the Munich submissions day, Weds April 6 th 2011 6 UK, 3 DNB, 1 PR staff 8 local staff & volunteers About 4,400 images etc. Catalogued and uploaded 210 digital objects Erster Weltkrieg in Alltagsdokumenten Approx 100 contributors brought in family keepsakes

7 Contributions

8 On July 14 the website had 460 contributors 27 countries 74% Germany 22% female, 72% male

9 1,041 submissions (1,112) 13,131 attached files Approved July 9 (July 14):

10 172 submissions (166) 2,312 attachments Awaiting approval 9 July (14 July)

11 Where are they from?

12 Attachments (9/7) Submissions




16 Website

17 Average page views/day (May: 177) June: 2,163 July: 2,178 Average hits/day June: 25,662 July: 25,012 Page views: May (31 days?): 5,474 June (30 days): 64,892 July (11,5 days): 25,043

18 Popular pages (June 2011) 1. /de/contributions/search 2. /de 3. /de/browse 4. /en/contributions/search 5. /en 6. /de/contributor 7. /de/about 8. /en/browse 9. /de/admin/contributions 10. /de/contributions/1313/at tachments Other27,792 (47%)

19 Referring pages: How do they find us? wind/2011/06/beteiligt-euch-... physical_and_onli...

20 What are they using?

21 To sum up: Most submissions day (1) cataloguing done About 1,100 contributions, 13,000+ files About 40% online contributions About 2,500 visits to site/day Search/browse most popular

22 Any questions?

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