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Woods Runner Project By: Thomas McGuire.

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1 Woods Runner Project By: Thomas McGuire

2 Setting The setting of Woods Runner is during the Revolutionary War. It is set around the time when the different colonies were angry and the British were fighting back.

3 Characters Samuel- Samuel is the main character. He goes through many tough situations and even fights to save his parents. Annie- Annie is introduced when Samuel is taking a chicken from her parent’s farm. After her parents are shot by the Hessians she sticks with Samuel Caleb- Annie’s father . After seeing Samuel trying to take a chicken he invites him in for food. He is later shot by the Hessians. Coop- Coop found Samuel after he had been clubbed by an Iroquois Indian and nursed Samuel back to health.

4 Characters Continued Abner- When Annie and Samuel were on the run Abner let them hide in his wagon and smuggled them towards New York. Matthew- Matthew is a friend of Micah’s; who is with Abner and lends them his boat so they can get to New York. Samuel’s Parents- After being captured in a raid Samuel finds his way to New York and rescues them with the help of Abner. Micah- Micah helps Abner and Samuel get to New York.

5 Point of view The point of view is Third Person Limited. I know this because it does not use I or We but it still tells you Samuel’s thoughts.

6 Plot The plot is that Samuel is out hunting one day when his village is attacked. He must look at the clues and track them down. He must use all his tracking skills to find his parents. On his journey he will get help from other patriots and free his parents.

7 Conflict and Resolution
The conflict in this book is Samuel’s parents being taken by the British in a raid. Samuel solves this by tracking down his parents and getting help and also sneaking his parents out of New York back to safety.

8 Theme The theme of this book is Perseverance because despite the many setbacks and problems Samuel was able to pull through and save his parents.

9 Flashback and Foreshadowing
One example of foreshadowing is how the author puts mini information boxes before the next chapter and sometimes they can have hints as to what’s going to happen next. An example of a flashback is when Samuel discovers the attack on his settlement and is burying the dead children he thinks about when they were alive and imagines them laughing.

10 Tone and Mood The tone of this book is harsh. There are lots of sad parts and parts of pure cruelty. The mood of this book is solemn but serious because it is sad but Samuel realizes he needs to step up and be strong for his parents.

11 Figurative Language “We be about twelve miles from where you got that egg on your head”-Coop. That egg on your head means a big bump that looks a little like an egg. “You been breathing like an old pump”-Coop. This means he was breathing ragged and irregular like an old pump would. “How come I’m not all messed up?”-Samuel. Samuel is asking why he isn't covered in his waste yet.

12 Meaningful Quotes “We go to New York to get our Ma and Pa”-Annie
“Everything will be alright after tonight, Mother”- Samuel “I heard the officer say to another soldier that the only reason he brought your father was that he saw a chessboard when they raided the cabin and he wanted somebody to play with”-Caleb

13 How Samuel Changed Samuel changed from the beginning to the end because in the beginning he was very peaceful and calm and after Caleb and Ma are shot he gets mad and decides he wants to kill a man. Another change is he became a leader and with the help of Abner leads the way to New York and rescues his parents.

14 Review This is a great novel. If it were on a 5 star scale I would rate it 5 stars. I think this because it has a great mix of excitement, sadness, and danger. It has a n amazing and complex plot with the perfect mix of real facts and a fictional story.

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