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Introduction to the ASCA Model for School Counseling Program

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to the ASCA Model for School Counseling Program"— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to the ASCA Model for School Counseling Program
December 7, 2017 Nita Hill and Brian Mathieson Welcome. Thanks. Please ask questions. This is short introduction.

2 OSPI/WSCA 3-Part School Counselor Webinar Series
Today, October 26: State K-12 Comprehensive School Counseling and Guidance Model Implementation November 15: School Counseling Evaluation Framework December 7: Introduction to the ASCA / WA Model for School Counseling Program Development Utilize up-to-date resources Share information and tools Defining the role of a school counselor Comprehensive school counseling program development OSPI/WSCA Webinar series Today, October 26: State K-12 Comprehensive School Counseling and Guidance Model Implementation November 15: School Counseling Evaluation Framework December 7: Introduction to the ASCA Model for School Counseling Program Development Registration information is on the screen. 9/18/2018

3 Comprehensive K-12 School Counseling & Guidance Program Model Elementary, Middle & High School Academic Achievement: Evidence-Based School Counseling Career and College Readiness: Personalized Planning for ALL students Social Emotional Support: Student Support Resources School Counselors are unique leaders in elementary, middle, and high schools, because they work with the whole child in the realms of academic, career and college, and social emotional support. The Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction and WA School Counselor Association continue to partner to help make your work less stressful and uncomplicated by creating and providing information, resources, and professional development. We have a questions box, so if you think of things you want to ask about on today’s webinar, please type in your questions, and we will pause to answer or few or the answer back to you. 9/18/2018

4 Today’s presenters…... Brian Mathieson Nita Hill
School Counseling and OTG Graduation Specialist WSCA President RAMP Reviewer National Board Certified Nita Hill Elementary Counselor - Puyallup School District WSCA Advocacy Chair ASCA model trainer National Board Certified both intro ourselves

5 Goals for today Share ideas for getting started with implementation
Review Foundation component Focus on program goals and action planning as a critical component of implementation Share support resources Nita to share and ask participants to start adding questions related to these topics?

6 is the ASCA National Model with Washington state flavor.
The Washington Comprehensive School Counseling and Guidance Program Model is the ASCA National Model with Washington state flavor. Brian

7 Five Bits of Advice for ASCA National Model Implementation
Remember, the purpose of the ASCA National Model is to do more school counseling. Keep it simple. The ASCA National Model is even more important when you have a large caseload. The ASCA National Model gives you the tools you need to take things off your plate. Take advantage of experts in your district. Nita talk briefly about keeping this in mind as you work towards implementation

8 No right way to get started
School Counseling Program Assessment Foundation (e.g., Group Beliefs, Vision, Mission, School Data Profile) Student results oriented (e.g., SMART Goal, Action Plans) nita

9 School Counseling Program Assessment

10 Foundation Beliefs – Common understanding regarding students ability to achieve, the counseling program, and our role. Vision – Bold description of a future wherein the school counselor programs goals are achieved. Mission – Aligned with the school. Focused on students. Direct to reach vision.

11 Beliefs

12 Vision Statement The vision statement creates a clear picture of success for all students Describes the future world where student outcomes are successfully achieved. States the best possible outcomes desired for all students that are five to 15 years away. Aligns with the school and district vision statement or the narrative explains why they are not included. I wonder if we need this or if the priors lide captures enough about foundation and why it could be a starting point?

13 Mission Describes the school counseling program’s overarching focus or purpose. Aligns with the school’s mission statement and may show linkages to district and state department of education mission statements. Ensures all students benefit in the implementation of the comprehensive school counseling program. Emphasizes equity, access and success for every student. Emphasizes long-range results for every student.

14 We ensure high levels of learning for every student.
WOODLAND VISION Our students will be confident, prepared learners who achieve academic success through problem solving and critical thinking. Our students will maximize their potential and be contributing members of society through goal setting, and a strong work ethic. Our students will establish positive relationships, feel connected, and take pride in their accomplishments WOODLAND COUNSELING VISION STATEMENT - (future, if you walked in 5 years from now what would you see) The students at Woodland Elementary are confident learners using positive relationships, goal setting and problem solving to maximize their potential and be ready for career, college, and life. Supported by a data driven comprehensive counseling program, all students have access to the supports and skills needed to develop positive relationships, maximize their potential and take pride in their accomplishments. WOODLAND MISSION We ensure high levels of learning for every student. WOODLAND COUNSELING PROGRAM MISSION ( focused on students, what are we doing right now to get to our vision) The mission of the school counseling program at Woodland Elementary School, is to ensure high levels of learning for all students by providing research based personal, academic, and career/college readiness supports and interventions through the implementation of a data driven comprehensive counseling program. just an example of nesting or connecting a counseling mission/vision to the building mission

15 Foundation: Program Goals
How the vision and mission will be accomplished. Your goals guide the development of curriculum, small group, and closing- the-gap action plans Address specific student outcomes that should align with one or more of the three domains. OPSI Performance Indicators and School Report Card Data should be used. Using the Goal Setting Process, write at one least program goal that: Promotes achievement, attendance, behavior, or school safety Is based on school data Addresses school-wide data, policies and practices, or addresses closing the achievement gap issues Addresses one of the three domains brian - this is a great segway into our focus for the day of program goals and action plans

16 School Data Profile

17 What is Process, Perception and Outcome Data
Types of Results Data Description Elementary Examples Middle School High School Process The number of students involved in the program or intervention and a description of the activity 35 4th graders participated in the 6 sessions of classroom guidance Eight 7th graders participated in goal setting group counseling 325 students attended the college preparation program Perception Data describing what individuals think they know, believe or can do Students in 5th grade believed that the conflict resolution unit helped them learn how to solve problems with peers 65% of eighth graders say that they have observed bullying at school As a result of the group counseling intervention students increased their knowledge of test taking strategies by 75%. Outcome Data that shows the impact of the intervention or activity on student achievement, safety or behavior, or attendance. Number of students identified in the red zone decreased by 40% by the end of the school year Average attendance for identified 7th grade students improved from 78% to 84% 86% of the senior class graduated which is a 2% improvement from last year What is Process, Perception and Outcome Data brian

18 How are Process, Perception and Outcome Data Collected?
Type of Data How Data is Collected Example Process Keep track of number of participants, number of sessions in a log. Take attendance before each classroom lesson and log the number of lessons provided Sign in sheet before a large group activity Simple count Perception Data are collected using surveys, pre- and post-tests, program evaluation surveys, needs assessment surveys or opinion surveys. Survey data can be collected electronically or using paper copies of the survey. Needs assessment was conducted to understand the concerns of eleventh graders concerning college-going before the college preparation sessions were planned. Pre and post-test data were collected before and after the small group counseling with 7th grade students to understand their test taking concerns and to evaluate how students believe the counseling has helped them. Outcome Data is collected and examined from the student information system (e.g., grades, attendance, discipline reports, state testing results). Graduation rate from the previous year is compared to graduation rate in the current year. Attendance data for identified students is examined at the end of the first marking period and compared to the attendance data in the final marking period. GPA for identified students is compared before and after the group counseling intervention. How are Process, Perception and Outcome Data Collected? brian

19 School Counseling Program Goals
Focus attention on a component of outcome data (achievement, attendance, behavior). Align with the school counseling program’s vision and mission. Address achievement, attendance and/or behavior. Are based on school outcome data (school data profiles, school improvement plans, data analysis reports). Are written in SMART format (including baseline and target data). Are unmistakably linked to the school’s data and needs (supporting documentation encouraged but not required). Ask group to write at least one school counseling program goal using real or imagined data - maybe we can do this using the next slide with the template and use this as a into to what they are about? Five bits of advice.

20 I think this is a great resource, it help you get all the parts in - maybe here is where we are folks to write one. Maybe have people submit.

21 Example SMART Goals Students with 10 or more absences and/or tardies in the first trimester will decrease their absences and/or tardies by 25% by the end of the third trimester. By the end of the school year, the number of office discipline referrals for 3rd grade students will decrease by 25%. Due to counselor implemented programming, 95% of ESOL level 4 students will remain in school and progress towards full completion of graduation requirements by June 18th, 2013. Due to the counselor implemented programming 100% of Seniors from the class of 2013 will identify and commit to a post-secondary plan by June 5th, to promote a successful transition into the next phase of their life. ask participants to type theirs in? Could we each share a SMART goal we are using for the year as a way to personalize it? also maybe add that this is the same for core curr, small group or closing the gap

22 The school counseling core curriculum action plan
All lessons/activities have process and perception data collection plans All or almost all lessons/activities have outcome data collection plans Identify one to three ASCA Mindsets & Behaviors that drive the content Include a variety of teaching strategies (e.g. discussion, partner work, use of technology, role play, bibliocounseling, etc.) Shared lessons are part of the core curriculum, which address all students. Links to the school counseling program vision, mission and goals



25 Lesson Plan

26 Webinars ASCA National Model – Themes and Foundation
Vision and Mission Creating Effective School Counseling SMART Goals ASCA Mindsets & Behaviors for Student Success Focus on Student Competencies: ASCA Mindsets & Behaviors for Student Success Using Data to Develop SMART Goals, Lake Braddock Secondary School Vision Statement Mission Statement School Counseling Program Goals ASCA Mindsets & Behaviors for Student Success Annual Agreement  Advisory Council Calendars School Counseling Core Curriculum Action Plan and Lesson Plans School Counseling Core Curriculum Results Report Small-Group Responsive Services Closing-the-Gap Results Report

27 Recognized ASCA Model Program (RAMP) designation from the American School Counselor Association
Show your administrators, school board and the community at large that you're committed to delivering a comprehensive, data-driven school counseling program. The RAMP application process should be the culmination of the implementation of a comprehensive school counseling program. Once your school has a program in place, you will need at least one entire academic year to collect the data and information needed to fulfill the RAMP application requirements.

28 WA School Counseling Model/ASCA National Model Trainings
Implementing the Washington Comprehensive School Counseling Model ESD 114, Bremerton, January 12, Click here to register Implementing the Washington Comprehensive School Counseling Model ESD 105, Yakima, February 6, Click here to register  Implementing the Washington Comprehensive School Counseling Model ESD 101, Spokane, February 23, Click here to register Implementing the Washington Comprehensive School Counseling Model, Pasco. Information coming soon. Implementing the Washington Comprehensive School Counseling Model, NCESD 171, Wenatchee, April 16, Registration coming soon. WSCA 2018 Conference, March 7-9, SeaTac Double Tree Hotel.

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