What do these characters have in common? They’re from the same story line, except in different media platforms.

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4 What do these characters
have in common?

5 They’re from the same story line, except in different media platforms.

6 Video Game TV show Comic book

7 This is an example of…

8 Transmedia Storytelling: What is transmedia? Purpose of transmedia.
How it is being used today Myths about transmedia

9 What is Transmedia Storytelling?
A way a single, unified story is distributed through various media platforms systematically to compliment the story as a whole.

10 Purpose of Transmedia? To try to engage and allow the audience to interact with the story line and character as it develops. Several media outlets may be used for different purposes, therefore giving the person freedom to interact in the form they please.

11 For example: Bob is a huge fan of the Walking Dead comic books, and has recently heard that they are releasing a show based on the books. Bob is so excited to be able to see these zombies attack in ‘real life’. He is fascinated by the realness and quality of the zombies in the TV show and cannot get enough, so finds himself buying every season as it is released on DVD. Bob’s friend Jay hears about a new video game based on the books and TV, and knowing that Bob is a huge fan, Jay buys the game for Bob. Bob then gets addicted to the game, because now, he is ultimately in power of the zombies fate. Bob now also feels some sort of special connection to each character having seen them in various ways, and being able to control them to an extent. He finds out he is not alone through forums online, and is now able to discuss any of those mediums with people just like him. Bob has now participated in every level of the Transmedia storytelling The Walking Dead has developed.

12 Transmedia connect fans through various different outlets
Here I would state the importance of each outlet. Twitter is to get quick, and brief updates, Facebook could be used a the central site where fan can access anything from pictures to videos.

13 Myths about Transmedia FALSE
Everyone should do transmedia Many shows are more than satisfying to the audience with a single medium. Transmedia is best used on characters and storylines that are too complex to develop through one medium. Anything with more then one media platform is considered transmedia FALSE Though there have been many movies adapted from books, and licensed products from movies or shows, it doesn’t mean it is part of transmedia storytelling. Transmedia is systematically dispersed to through the different media outlets to compliment the central idea as whole.

14 Ultimately...

15 https://www. google. ca/search. q=glee&client=firefox-a&hs=IXp&rls=org

16 Is this an example of transmedia?

17 NO!

18 Ondine, Anita. "What is Transmedia. " Transmedia Coalition. N. p
Ondine, Anita. "What is Transmedia?." Transmedia Coalition. N.p., 05 Mar Web. 9 Oct < Though the TV show was initially loosely based on the books, after a couple seasons, the TV plot started straying away from the books and created a whole new story line. This is an example of one title that has two different media outlets, but no immediate connection to the other, and in no way provide the audience with further explanation about the characters or plot.


20 Bibliography Ondine, Anita. "What is Transmedia?." Transmedia Coalition. N.p., 05 Mar Web. 9 Oct < "Transmedia Storytelling." Transmedia Storyteller. N.p.. Web. 9 Oct < Jenkins, H.. N.p.. Web. 9 Oct < . N.p.. Web. 9 Oct < Ondine, Anita. "8 Elements of Transmedia." Transmedia Coalition. N.p., 01 June Web. 9 Oct <

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