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Cause and Effect Essay.

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1 Cause and Effect Essay

2 Definition: A cause and effect essay is an essay that presents a main cause or set of causes for an event that occurs. The essay may demonstrate how one event led to another and another, culminating in one major result. It may also show how replacement causes might have led to different results.

3 Characteristics: Writer proposes a trend, event or incident of interest to the audience Writer presents one or more main causes for the event, trend, or incident Specific statistical evidence, anecdotes, quotes, etc. are used as a means of proving that the cause(s) led to the stated effect

4 Characteristics: Writer makes distinctions between immediate causes and remote ones related to the effect Other possible causes and arguments are examined and either refuted or accepted as plausible

5 Key Elements the Paper Must Have:
hook thesis statement clear identification of a major cause/causes specific evidence and analysis of the evidence refutation of other possible causes/arguments conclusion

6 Related Vocabulary: Necessarily Probably Possibly Unlikely
Unrelated in terms of Thus

7 Related Vocabulary: Consequently Therefore Accordingly For this reason
As a result/results in Hence

8 Related Vocabulary: Because of Owing to Since Due to Follows from
One cause is that Irreversible

9 Essay Rubric INTRODUCTION: The subject is introduced by a paragraph that grabs the reader’s attention & clearly defines the focus of the paper by including a thesis and providing context and direction for the essay response. POINTS: ______/10 THESIS: The controlling idea of the essay is stated in one clear sentence within the first paragraph. The thesis should respond directly to the essay question. POINTS: _______/5 ORGANIZATION: A minimum of three relevant causes are stated clearly and are addressed in separate paragraphs.

10 Essay Rubric SUPPORT: The main point of each paragraph is supported by quoted evidence and direct textual references that logically support each criterion. All evidence is properly introduced and documented. POINTS:______/20 CONCLUSION: The main points are drawn together into a final statement regarding the writer’s response to the essay question. POINTS:_______/5 MECHANICS: Essay is relatively free from spelling and grammatical errors. Transitions between sentences are smooth and logically consistent. Tone is formal and authoritative. Essay length is appropriate. Directions are followed. POINTS:______/50

11 Have Fun! Avoid plagiarism!

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