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agenda Challenges faced during the implementation of mSCOA

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2 agenda Challenges faced during the implementation of mSCOA
mSCOA implementation within IMQS Lessons learnt during the implementation

3 Challenges faced during the implementation of Mscoa
People Processes Technology Resistance Department Silos Un-united front Unclear accountability Inconsistent reporting Poor prioritization Low integrity data Split data sets Integration differences

4 Mscoa implementation within imqs
All transaction posting will be fed to National Treasury from the Financial System in place at the client. IMQS, is the sub ledger system which feeds the transactions to the Financial System. Sub ledger Asset life cycle

5 Mscoa implementation within IMQS
Coverage of the full asset life cycle Debit and Credit transactions legs recorded against the mSCOA classification Configurable mSCOA Journal creations Screen shots from IMQS

6 Mscoa implementation within imqs
PLAN BUILD OPERATE MANAGE Master Planning Budget & Project Prioritisation Project Control System Scheduled & Unscheduled Maintenance Capture & Verification Replace / Upgrade Prioritisation Remote Monitoring & Incident tracking Asset Accounting Asset life cycle indicators INTEGRATION ASSET Management Technical Planning Inputs Optimised Decision-making Future works Planning Capacity Management Project Control System WIP register Maintenance Management Real-Time Integration Events notifications Performance Management Utilisation Risk Analysis Condition Criticality Business Intelligence Blueprint: Correct asset management re-informs planning -> more accurate planning IMQS focuses on the processes within the asset life cycle – ensuring that all transactions are recorded within the system for reporting to NT

7 Mscoa implementation within imqs
Systems integration - IMQS joins the technical & financial worlds

8 Mscoa implementation within IMQS
Screen shots from IMQS: Example used: De-recognition of 2 assets

9 Mscoa implementation within IMQS
Screen shots from IMQS: The mSCOA segments which will be the same for the debit and credit legs are recorded

10 Mscoa implementation within IMQS
The mSCOA Item nodes are recorded per financial field within the transaction taking place

11 Mscoa implementation within IMQS
Screen shots from IMQS: the mSCOA nodes are selected from the mSCOA Classification, as prescribed by NT. The search also allows for the easy navigation of nodes Phased Approach: Phase 1: full mSCOA segment classification, Phase 2: Smaller sub set, based on linking methods applied, Phase 3: IMQS to automatically assign mSCOA segments based on the transaction taking place and the asset classification

SCOA Journal…. Configurations: File location GUIDs vs Account Nrs Rolled Up vs Detailed Column order

13 IMQS Mscoa implementation lessons learnt
People Processes Technology Motivating the regulation benefits to bring about a mind set change The importance of the change management process Flexibility and simplicity is key People: Change Man: People were resistant because all they saw was more work and change Process: Change Man: Communication across Departments were lacking, quick to point fingers – had to turn it into an ‘us, as a municipality’ and not them vs us attitude + Advisory role, based on 17 years of experience Technology: GUIDs vs Account Nrs, rolled up vs details, field order, method of communication (file based vs web services) + we initially wanted to go straight for the automated solution, but realized that we were getting ahead of ourselves

14 IMQS clientele

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