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Unit 14: The Future of Humanity

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1 Unit 14: The Future of Humanity
Section 2: Ocean Acidification Effects


3 Effects on Organisms: Corals
Reef-builders – keystone of coral reefs Slowing growth and increasing dissolving will create weaker reefs, susceptible to erosion

4 Effects on Organisms: Benthic Calcifiers
Mussels, clams, urchins, some algae Similar to corals, decreased growth and increased dissolution Urchins and sea stars will be ESPECIALLY at risk

5 Effects on Organisms: Zooplankton
Reduce shell growth Reduce likelihood of settling and developing (meroplankton)

6 Effects on Organisms: Algae/Marine Plants
Most algae and marine plants will flourish under the acidic, high-CO2 conditions However, calcifying algae (coralline algae – organisms that cement reefs together and give them strength) will suffer

7 Effects on Organisms: Fish
Most fish will absorb Carbonic Acid, slightly acidifying their blood. This will technically keep them in check with the surroundings so they are stable However, acidosis (acidic blood) can put stress on body systems Acidic water also reduces reaction time and changes brain chemistry, reducing many fishes’ response to predators Also, affects eye chemistry, causing blindness or altered view of surroundings

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