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Vocabulary Week 9/18 – 9/22 Goal: to learn a new word, its part of speech, and how to use it correctly in an original sentence.

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Presentation on theme: "Vocabulary Week 9/18 – 9/22 Goal: to learn a new word, its part of speech, and how to use it correctly in an original sentence."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vocabulary Week 9/18 – 9/22 Goal: to learn a new word, its part of speech, and how to use it correctly in an original sentence

2 Vocabulary Words of the Day Monday, September 18th

3 Please guess the definition…
It is important for diplomats to behave in a manner that is not flashy or inappropriate; they need to be circumspect in their behavior. Please guess the definition… wary and unwilling to take risks circumspect is an adjective synonyms: careful, cautious antonym: unguarded Now please write a sentence with context clues and where the vocabulary word is used correctly.

4 Vocabulary Words of the Day

5 Please guess the definition…
My least favorite part of moving is having to carry our large, and cumbersome sofa down our apartment steps. Please guess the definition… clumsy, hard to handle; slow-moving cumbersome is an adjective synonyms: unwieldy, awkward antonym: manageable Now please write a sentence with context clues and where the vocabulary word is used correctly.

6 Vocabulary Words of the Day Tuesday, September 19th

7 Please guess the definition…
Too much stress and too little sleep will almost certainly muddle a student’s ability to concentrate in class. Please guess the definition… bring into a disordered or confusing state muddle is a verb synonyms: confuse, disorder antonym: to order, or clear up Now please write a sentence with context clues and where the vocabulary word is used correctly.

8 Vocabulary Words of the Day

9 Please guess the definition…
Rigorous training of the new lifeguards will probably avert several tragedies each summer. Please guess the definition… turn away (one's eyes or thoughts); prevent or ward off (an undesirable occurrence) avert is a verb synonyms: turn aside; prevent antonym: attract Now please write a sentence with context clues and where the vocabulary word is used correctly.

10 Vocabulary Words of the Day Wednesday, September 20th

11 Please guess the definition…
He was an extremely talented speaker, but his boorish behavior in face-to-face interactions made him very unpopular. Please guess the definition… rude, unrefined; clumsy boorish is an adjective synonyms: rude, uncivilized antonym: polite Now please write a sentence with context clues and where the vocabulary word is used correctly.

12 Vocabulary Words of the Day

13 Please guess the definition…
The expert said that the manuscript supposedly written by the famous author was of dubious authenticity. Please guess the definition… Causing uncertainty or suspicion; in a doubtful or uncertain state of mind, hesitant dubious is an adjective synonyms: uncertain, suspect antonym: trustworthy Now please write a sentence with context clues and where the vocabulary word is used correctly.

14 Vocabulary Words of the Day Thursday, September 21st

15 Please guess the definition…
Her friends always knew that knave of a first husband was only after her inheritance. Please guess the definition… a tricky, unprincipled, or deceitful fellow knave is a noun synonyms: rascal, scoundrel antonym: hero Now please write a sentence with context clues and where the vocabulary word is used correctly.

16 Vocabulary Words of the Day

17 Please guess the definition…
He spurned a full scholarship offered by a small college to go to a big state university instead. Please guess the definition… to refuse with scorn, disdain spurn is a verb synonyms: reject, scorn antonym: welcome Now please write a sentence with context clues and where the vocabulary word is used correctly.

18 Vocabulary Word of the Day
Friday, September 22nd alleviate

19 Please guess the definition…
The doctors and nurses did everything they could to alleviate the patient's severe pain. Please guess the definition… to relieve, make more bearable alleviate is a verb synonyms: relieve, soothe antonym: aggravate Now please write a sentence with context clues and use the word correctly.

20 Vocabulary Word of the Day

21 Please guess the definition…
The assassination of President John F. Kennedy in 1963 appalled the nation and the world. Please guess the definition… to fill with dismay or horror appall is a verb synonyms: horrify, shock antonym: reassure Now please write a sentence with context clues and use the word correctly.

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