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Check for Understanding

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1 Check for Understanding
The ocean layer where temperature changes most rapidly with depth is called _______________. Which layer would you expect to find warm water heated by the sun? __________________________ Why does warm water stay on the ocean surface? ______________________________________ Thermocline Surface mixed zone Warm water floats since it is less dense than cold water

2 Challenge Question If all else is equal, increasing the salinity of a seawater sample will also increase its _________. Temperature Pressure Density Turbidity

3 Ocean Currents Types of Ocean Currents Surface Currents
Powered by the wind. Deep Currents or Density Currents Powered by differences in density and gravity.

4 Surface Currents & Coriolis Effect
Coriolis Effect is the shifting of winds and surface currents from their expected paths because of the earth’s rotation.

5 Surface Currents Categories of surface currents: Equatorial
Examples: Equatorial Countercurrent S. Hemisphere Examples: Antarctica Circumpolar Current (also called West Wind Drift) N. Atlantic Examples: Gulf Stream, North Atlantic Current, Labrador Current N. Pacific Examples: North Atlantic Gyre

6 Deep or Density Currents
Categories of Deep/Density Currents: Antarctic Bottom Water Densest and coldest ocean water Moves northward along the bottom of the ocean North Atlantic Deep Water Moves southward under the Gulf Stream Also near Mediterranean Sea

7 Ocean Waves Parts of an Ocean Wave Crest Trough
Wave height (amplitude) Wavelength

8 Ocean Waves A wave is a periodic disturbance in a solid, liquid, or gas as energy is transmitted through a medium

9 Wave Motion – Online Simulation
nce/terc/content/visualizations/es1604/es16 04page01.cfm?chapter_no=visualization

10 Ocean Waves – Size 3 Factors that affect wave size:
Speed of wind Length of time wind blows Fetch – the distance that wind can blow across open water Increase factor  increase wave size

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