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Colors and Spectroscopy of Transition Metal Complexes

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Presentation on theme: "Colors and Spectroscopy of Transition Metal Complexes"— Presentation transcript:

1 Colors and Spectroscopy of Transition Metal Complexes

2 Why is: Mn2+(aq) colorless Cu2+(aq) less deeply blue colored than Cu(NH3)42+ Zn2+(aq) colorless MnO4- deeply colored W(CO)6 colorless

3 Spectrochemical Series:
Sigma Interaction Strength Spectrochemical Series: I- < Br - < Cl- , F- < OH- < OH2 < NH3 < en < CN- < CO

4 Pi Donor Ligands: Mainly oxides and halides

5 Mn2+(aq) MnO4 -

6 Pi Acceptor Ligands: CO, CN-, pyridine

7 Pi Acceptor Ligands and spectroscopy: CO, CN-, pyridine

8 Reactivity of Transition Metal Complexes
Substitution Reactions Redox Reactions Photochemically-Induced Reactions

9 Substitution Reactions: why would they occur?

10 Catalysis Homogeneous vs. Heterogeneous
Transition metal complex catalysis


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