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6th grade warm ups week of

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1 6th grade warm ups week of 9-11-17

2 Monday (Mon.) No warm up because we were not in school. (Hurricane Irma)

3 Tuesday (Tues.) No warm up because we were not in school. (Hurricane Irma)

4 Wednesday (Wed.) ½ day and will not see 6th grade today.

5 Thursday (Thurs.) WU: What is a galaxy? Ans: A galaxy is a large group of stars, dust and gas.

6 Friday (Fri.) WU: List the 4 types of galaxies. Ans: 1: Spiral galaxy: have a bulge at the center and spiral arms. 2: The Milky Way: This is the galaxy in which we live. It is similar to a spiral galaxy. 3: Elliptical galaxy: very bright centers, very little dust and gas 4: Irregular galaxy: are galaxies that don’t fit into any other class/group

7 6th grade warm ups: week of 9-18-17

8 Monday (Mon.) EQ: How do the planets in our solar system differ? WU: How do scientist measure distance in space? Ans. 1:Distance in space is measure in AU, which stands for astronomical unit. 2: An AU is the average distance between Earth and the Sun which is approximately 150 billion kilometers.

9 Tuesday (Tues.) Follow these directions: Make two columns. In one column list the planets in order according to their distance from the sun and in the other make a acronym using the first letter of each planet name. (Make up something different than you may already have heard.)

10 Friday (Fri.) 9-15-17 Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus
Neptune My Very Earthly Mother Just Served Us Nachos

11 Wednesday (Wed.) WU: How is the solar system positioned in the Milky Way Galaxy and the Universe? Ans: 1: Our solar system is about 2/3 of the way out from the center of the Milky Way. It is positioned along one of the spiral "arms" of the Milky Way. 2: Since the universe is continually expanding it is difficult to describe our exact location.

12 Thursday (Thurs.) WU: What force controls the motion of the planets? Ans: Gravity is the force( a pull) that controls the motion of all the planets.

13 Friday (Fri.) WU: How does Earth compare to other planets in the solar system? Ans: 1: Our planet Earth is one of the smaller planets, but it is pretty large at 7,926 miles in diameter. 2: It is the 5th largest planet in the solar system. Only the outer plants are larger than Earth.

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