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Britain in the 1980's A Y6 project by Owen Lees, Marley Howorth, Jasmine Gill, Cai Roberts, Leah Thorpe and Tyler Ivens.

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Presentation on theme: "Britain in the 1980's A Y6 project by Owen Lees, Marley Howorth, Jasmine Gill, Cai Roberts, Leah Thorpe and Tyler Ivens."— Presentation transcript:

1 Britain in the 1980's A Y6 project by Owen Lees, Marley Howorth, Jasmine Gill, Cai Roberts, Leah Thorpe and Tyler Ivens

2 Music! Here is a list of main music events in the 80's:
Famous singer John Lennon was shot Britain won the eurovision song contest 1984- Michael Jackson has pyrotechnic accident 1985- Live aid is held for ethiopian famine

3 Music Pictures

4 Here's a list of the new things launched in the 80's
Technology Here's a list of the new things launched in the 80's 1982- The compact disc was invented Channel 4 was aired for the first time The Disposable Camera was made Tim Berners created the worldwide web

5 1980'S olympics 5,179 athletes attended
Location: Grand Arena of the Central Stadium Opening 19 July - ending 3 August

6 Toys in the 1980's Guess who? Koosh My little pony Teddy ruxpin
Teenage Mutant Ninja turtles Rubix cube My Pet Monster

7 Programmes in the 1980's 321 Ivor The Engine The Muppet Show
Eastenders Casualty Fraggle Rock Pigeon Street Button Moon

8 The Falklands War The war was between Britain and Argentina
The Prime Minister in the UK was Margaret Thatcher and in Argentina it was Leopoldo Galtieri It was called The Falklands War because it was a war over the Falklands Islands which belongs to the UK but Argentina tried to take the islands from us The war only went on for 2 months and 25 days

9 Fashion in the 80's The top 10 trends in the 80's were: Shoulder Pads
Mini Skirts Leg warmers Huge earrings fingerless gloves members only jackets units stretched stirrup pants Oversized tops.

10 Fashion

11 Guess the song 2nd Song 6th Song 1st Song 4th Song 3rd Song 5th Song

12 Thank you for listening!

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