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Ideologies Introduction

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1 Ideologies Introduction

2 So who are you? I haven’t taught many of you before so stand up and tell me: Your Name: Something About yourself… (Keep it school appropriate.) What do you do for work? What do you plan to do after high school? Hobbies? Interesting fact?

3 As a social studies class we do some fundraising and are lucky enough to go on a trip to Australia. We are going there to see how their parliament runs compared to ours. A few of us are really interested to see how another member of the British commonwealth runs. Our flight takes us from Calgary, to Toronto, to South Africa, to Australia. Some of us have taken advantage of these layovers and have done a little sight seeing in Toronto and south Africa. Passengers come and go from our plane as we make our stops at the designated airports. Some businessmen and women from Calgary left us in Toronto only to be replaced by tourists, humanitarians and new business people. When we reach south Africa we lose some of these people and pick up new tourists, business people and new humanitarians. Right as we pass this point in the ocean, over this tiny island, it turns out one of those business people had a bomb.

4 The bomb rips our plane in two. It crashes in the ocean near a beach
The bomb rips our plane in two. It crashes in the ocean near a beach. The water absorbs a lot of the impact. The front end splashes through the shallow water and ends up beached on the shore while the tail end remains in the water. There are survivors from both ends. The survivors from the tail end are able to float on their seat cushions to the shore. Many people from that end drown however as they were nocked unconscious during impact. The people from the front end are not in much better shape. The impact was much harder and many people are injured (if not dead). Luckily our whole group survived. (except for a guy named steve.)




8 The Necessity of Politics and Economics

9 The Necessity of Politics and Economics
politics: A process and system of resolving conflicts and making decisions within a group or society. economics: How a society decides who gets what, when and how. The study of how people use limited resources to meet unlimited wants.

10 Social 30 Competency #2 However, ideology tends to refer to the way in which people think about the world and their ideal concept of how to live in the world.

11 Characteristics of Ideologies
All ideologies try to explain the following nature of man interpretation of our past vision of the future role of government and society

12 Do you believe that humans are good or evil by nature?
Values and Ideologies Do you believe that humans are good or evil by nature?

13 Are all people born equal?
Values and Ideologies Are all people born equal?

14 Who has the right to rule in society?
Values and Ideologies Who has the right to rule in society?

15 Do people deserve to share societies wealth equally?
Values and Ideologies Do people deserve to share societies wealth equally?

16 Why do societies have governments?
Values and Ideologies Why do societies have governments?

17 Who should decide the distribution of resources within a society?
Values and Ideologies Who should decide the distribution of resources within a society?

18 Let’s talk about this… We all have an individual identity and a collective identity. Individual Identity- name, what your accomplishments are, what you like to do in your spare time. Collective Identity- groups you belong to, family, community, school, cultural or language background Because we have access to so many “things” and ideas, we have the power to decide what we like and dislike and be selective with our choices. What influences us will eventually shape our identity. You decide what is right for you...but being informed to help develop your identity will tell you how much you allow EXPERIENCES to shape who you are. What is the relationship between identity and ideology? Your values, beliefs and ideas shape who you are. Simply put, an ideology is a frame work of coherent beliefs depicting a perspective of the way the world is, how it should be, the order of relationships in it and appropriate actions for reaching certain ideals. Ideology can also influence a person’s identity. Political scientists consider an ideology to be a set of principles or ideas that explain our world and our place within it. An individual might embrace a particular ideology because it mirrors certain beliefs and values about the world that the individual already has. Once people embrace an ideology, it may cause them to re-examine and re-interpret their own life according to the principles of that ideology. Similarly, a group of people may choose to embrace an ideology that reflects their shared beliefs and values. (Refer to ideology circle chart pg 25 fig 1-4) In Canada alone.... there are 50 aboriginal languages and dozens of view points about the way the world is What is important to me? What are human beings like? How should they act? ARE MY concerns restricted to my self-interest, or do they extend to others as well? Should I be concerned with the well-being of people i DON’T KNOW? ...What about the World? How do we discover our beliefs and values? People sometimes take for granted their beliefs about who we are as human beings and what kind of world is desirable or possible. They may make a variety of assumptions about human behaviour and how people should live together. Not all of our assumptions are false; in fact, many of them may be true. The problem with assumptions is that they have not been tested or examined, so we do not know if they are valid or not. In order to take an informed position on an issue, it is important to first uncover and evaluate one’s personal assumptions. THERE ARE SEVERAL FACTORS THAT MAY INFLUENCE INDIVIDUAL AND COLLECTIVE BELIEFS ANSD VALUES… Culture Language Media Relationship to Land Environment Gender Religion Spirituality Ideology Family Family Influence- they form, quite possibly, the earliest form of influence on a person. Gender- what society has deemed a norm for males and females, vary from one society to another. However, there are specific gender role stereotypes that have resulted. Religion and Spirituality- Religious belief and spirituality take many forms. An individual may be a practising or non-practising member of a faith community, or adhere to a spiritual tradition without belonging to an organized community. Many people consider themselves to be spiritual, without following a defined system of religious belief. Religious or spiritual faith can give meaning to a person’s life and provide them with a moral system which informs their actions as an individual. Environment and Relationship to Land- Groups of people have a long-standing relationship with the land. (i.e. Aboriginals). This relationship has cultural, spiritual, and economic aspects. It also involves a responsibility for the environment…because their activities are dependent on land. Language and Ideology- Individuals who belong to the majority linguistic group in a society may not give much consideration to the role that language plays in the formation of their identity. However, if you are a part of the majority or the minority, then you perspectives will be different. Media- This outlet is a source that provides people with information on a daily basis. Regardless if the information is slanted or not, censored or not, THIS OUTLET HAS THE POWER TO SHAPE YOUR IDEAS, VIEWS, BELIEFS AND VALUES! Question: For each of the factors affecting identity listed above, identify how your identity has been influenced. Which factor has had the most profound impact on your identity? Why might governments be most interested in how media influences identity?

19 An example– Health Care Debate in the US.

20 Vocabulary List Term Definition Use

21 First words Ideology Individualism Capitalism Collectivism Communism
Politics Economics

22 Your Own Beliefs Remember…
We talked about how perspective can influence people. Why was this important?

23 Remember this?

24 Your Perspective / Beliefs
We all see the world differently. Discovering and developing your own beliefs / values takes time and will change. When you are in High School what do you Value? At Work? A Parent? A Senior?

25 You may have been in a situation where you have asked a question like:
why did he do that? Why are some people Jerks? Why would she do that? What should I do? One group comes to mind when I think about these questions.

26 No one thinks of themselves as a son of a b*%$@!

27 Ideology When we answer these questions for our selves, we begin to develop our Ideology. Ideology: A system of thoughts based on beliefs and values.

28 An ideology includes: Who are you? Where are you going?
What is the world around you like? How should we treat people? How the world should develop?

29 Types of Ideologies Sexism Liberalism Conservatism Feminism Patriotism
Workerism Feminism Conservatism Patriotism Anarchism Communism Socialism Environmentalism Racism Consumerism Ideology Shaping Identity and Identity Shaping Ideology If a person adapts a particular ideology, it can have profound effects on their identity. It may influence their actions or choices, provide them with a particular perspective in the world, and it may determine how they will relate to others in society Write on the white board the following ethical statements and have the students respond to them on paper. (I agree with this statement because…..) or (I disagree with this statement because…) Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s need, but not every man’s greed. -Mahatma Gandhi (1869 – 1948) Until and unless you discover that money is the root of all good, you ask for your own destruction. When money ceases to become the means by which men deal with one another, then men become the tools of other men. Blood, whips and guns – or dollars. Take your choice—there is no other. -Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged (1957) If we go on the way we have, the fault is our greed {and} if we are not willing [to change], we will disappear from the face of the globe, to be replaced by the insect. -Jacques Cousteau ( ) Once you have completed your statements, find a person in the class that has an opposite response to one of your statements. Explain your perspective and summarize their perspective for presentation to the class. What are some possible reasons (or factors) that cause your classmate to have a differing point of view? Was the opposing point of view appealing to you once you listened to the other person? Where you able to change their mind? Explain in what situations you think it is easy to get another person to agree with your point of view and situations where it would be quite difficult Capitalism Environmentalism Fascism Familialism Elitism

30 Individualism and Collectivism

31 Collectivism Vs. Individualism
No one is completely a collectivist or an individualist. We all fall in a line with a mix of both. Collectivism - Putting the needs of the whole first. Individualist - Putting the needs of the individual first.

32 Is there a grey area? “You’re either with us or against us in the fight against terror” George Bush after the September 11, 2001 attack on New York.

33 The Group is important. Be like the group. Wealth is shared. The well-being of the group is more important. Individuals are unique. Personal success and development. Everyone is responsible for his/her actions. Competition.

34 The Philosophers

35 Thomas Hobbes

36 John Locke

37 Jean-Jacques Rousseau

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