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CDF status m. spiropulu EFI/UofC Oct

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1 CDF status m. spiropulu EFI/UofC Oct 25 2002

2 Outline New results from old data Missing Energy+monojet
New results and status with RUNII data






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16 Run II is the most important activity at Fermilab.
RunIIa Luminosity Goals 5-8 E31 cm-2/sec (w/o Recycler) 10-20 E31 cm-2/sec (w/ Recycler) integrated: 2-5 fb-1 (2004) RunIIb Luminosity Goals 40-50 E31 cm-2/sec integrated: 15 fb-1 (2007) s(W), s(Z) ~10% higher s(tt) ~35% higher The collider performance in Run II got off to a slow start. The Beams Division made quick progress on the luminosity: The peak luminosity increased from ~0.9E31 on 3/25/02 to ~1.8E31 by 5/10/02 to 3.6E31 by 10/5/02. Many problems identified; some solutions found; some to be. Still improving collider performance. * For most of Run Ib, average luminosity at start of store was ~1.6x1031 cm-2 s-1. Integrated luminosity delivered was ~0.15 fb-1.

17 beamloading compensation
new injection helix Step 13 AA->MI optics Jan. HEPAP


19 January 1 – June 1 June 3-14 June 15 – December 31
Improve antiproton efficiency from Accumulator to Tevatron low-b Improve proton intensity at Tevatron low-b Commission Recycler parasitically June 3-14 Shutdown to install new Accumulator transverse core cooling June 15 – December 31 Improve stacking rate Shutdown for continuing Recycler vacuum work (tentatively scheduled September 30-November 10) Integrate Recycler into operations Minimize access time

20 Underlying Accelerator Physics Issues
Three primary accelerator physics issues are being dealt with: Accumulator emittance/heating Intrabeam scattering appears implicated as major source Long range beam-beam in the Tevatron Manifested as poor antiproton lifetime at 150 GeV Once collision configuration achieved, this is not impacting performance Contribution to lifetime from vacuum under investigation Proton longitudinal emittance Beamloading compensation implemented  some improvement, but appears to be growth during acceleration in Main Injector. These issues interconnect many of the individual performance parameters Progress requires attacking everything in parallel.

21 Physics in Run II Precision measurements, looking for an inconsistency with the Standard Model: top quark and W boson properties measurements of B mixing and CP parameters Possible discoveries include the Higgs boson or any new physics at the Tevatron mass scale: Higgs boson Supersymmetry Extra dimensions New dynamics (technicolor, new gauge bosons) Quark or lepton compositeness.

22 Prospective physics highlights at 0.1-0.3 fb-1
Even with a data sample of this size, there will be many new physics results. New detectors have increased capability Ecm changed from 1.80 to 1.96 TeV, significantly increasing cross sections for high-mass states. Production of top, bottom, and charm quarks, W and Z, jets B Physics: Start of a broad program: spectroscopy, lifetimes, and mixing 0.3 fb-1 Major new results in every area Top quark: Mass measurement with twice current precision CP violation: Bs mixing to xs = 25 New physics searches: Extra dimensions with scale of 1.6 TeV Confirmation or elimination of new physics indicated by Run I observation of rare events QCD: Jet spectrum at highest transverse energy

23 Prospective physics highlights at 1-2 fb-1
Electroweak W magnetic moment, signals for WW and W+Z production top quark properties with 1000 top events per experiment Supersymmetry possible signals in trileptons SUSY Higgs signal for m(A) ~ 100 GeV, tan b= 35 B Physics Lb lifetime to 0.06 ps 2 fb-1 Electroweak: W boson mass measured to greater precision than from LEP top quark mass to 2.7 GeV/expt Higgs 95% exclusion of Higgs boson with mass of 115 GeV Supersymmetry observe squarks and gluinos if gluino masses below 400 GeV observe chargino/neutralinos if mass below 180 GeV, tanb = 2 CP violation and Bottom quark Measurement of decay mode Bd g K*m+m- with 60 events Bs mixing to xs = 40

24 Prospective physics highlights at 4-8 fb-1
Higgs: 95% exclusion of standard Higgs boson up to 125 GeV Supersymmetry discovery of supersymmetry in large fraction of parameter space for minimal supersymmetry discovery of SUSY Higgs for m(A)~150 GeV, tanb = 35 8 fb-1 Higgs 3s evidence for standard Higgs with mass less than 122 GeV 95% exclusion of standard Higgs for masses below 135 GeV or from GeV Supersymmetry: 95% exclusion of the minimal supersymmetric Higgs in the maximal mixing model

25 Prospective physics highlights at 15 fb-1
Higgs 4-5s evidence for standard Higgs with mass of 115 GeV 95% exclusion of standard Higgs for all masses below 185 GeV Supersymmetry SUSY trilepton signal extended to large tanb and gluino masses GeV possible discovery of supersymmetric Higgs boson m(A) up to 200 GeV, tanb = 35 Electroweak top quark mass measurement with error of 1.3 GeV/expt W mass measurement with error of 15 MeV/expt

26 CDF-II detector is recording quality data (ICHEP 2002)
Stable physics running established in early 2002 intensive effort during fall 2001 shutdown had big payoff silicon coverage, trigger came together very quickly > 95% / 90% / 80% of L00/SVX/ISL now (summer 2002) regularly read out L1/L2/L3 trigger <1% deadtime (BW 40K/300/70) trigger algorithms increased rapidly in sophistication; now quite stable ~140 separate trigger paths (e, m, t, n, g, jet, displaced track, b jet, …) 33.0/pb delivered; 23.5/pb recorded January-June 2002 ~10.0/pb pass the most stringent analyses’ “good run” criteria

27 CDF II Detector All critical components are working well
132 ns front end COT SVX 40000/300/70 Hz ~no dead time 7-8 silicon layers rf, rz, stereo views z0max=45, max=2 2<R<30cm Double b tags essential for Mtop, Hbb TOF 30240 chnl, 96 layer drift chamber s(1/pT) ~ 0.1%/GeV s(hit) ~ 150mm  coverage extended to =1.5 Tile/fiber endcap calorimeter (faster, larger Fsamp, no gap)

28 CDF II Detector Major qualitative improvements over Run 1 detector:
Whole detector can run up to 132 nsec interbunch New full coverage 7-8 layer 3-D Si-tracking up to |h| ~ 2 New faster drift chamber with 96 layers New TOF system New plug calorimeter New forward muon system New track trigger at Level 1 (XFT) New impact parameter trigger at Level 2 (SVT) All systems working well Silicon and L2 took longer to commission Forward region restructured

29 CDF Run II physics now Re-establish Run I physics signals
prepare for high-PT program: Mtop, MW, Higgs, SUSY, Z’, LED reconstruct and model leptons, W’s, Z’s, jets, b’s, … essential feedback for detector/trigger/reconstruction/simulation measure s(W)/s(Z); measure D-Y angular distributions Calibrate precision track measurements exploit high cross-section signals; measure B lifetimes, masses begins B physics program (lifetimes, masses, Bs mixing, CP, Lb, Bc, …) provides calibration/tools for MW, Mtop, b jet tagging Exploit new trigger capabilities Measure DM(Ds,D+); measure B(D0  KK, pp) / B(D0  Kp) Learn to model trigger for physics signals (later  Zbb, Hbb) Reconstruct fully hadronic B decays

30 XFT: L1 trigger on tracks
Offline track Efficiency curve: XFT cut at PT = 1.5 GeV/c XFT track XFT: L1 trigger on tracks full design resolution DpT/p2T = 1.8% (GeV-1) Df = 8 mrad

31 High-PT muons: Z m+m- Z m+m- signal require COT•CMU•CMP
CDF’s purest muons: ~8l m1 CMU m2 CMP 57 candidates 66<M<116 GeV NZ = 53.2±7.5 ±2.7

32 Measurement of sB(Wmn), R
4561 candidates in 16 pb-1 12.5% background: - Z mm: ± 13 - Wtn: ± 10 - QCD: ± 53 - Cosmics: ± 30 s•B(Wmn) = 2.70±.04stat±.19syst ±.27lum Many uncertainties, e.g. lumi, cancel in ratio: R = s•B(Wmn) / s•B(Zmm) = 13.66±1.94stat±1.12syst (1.5s from SM)  G(W) = 1.67±0.24stat±0.14syst Measure a precisely predicted ratio  establish tight feedback loop on muon detection, reconstruction, and simulation MT

33 Measure s•B(Wen) W cross section: 0.16 soon! sW*BR(Wen) (nb) =
2.60±0.07stat±0.11syst ±0.26lum 0.16 soon! Background (8%): - QCD: 260 ± 34 ± 78 - Z ee: 54 ± 2 ± 3 - Wtn: 95 ± 6 ± 1 5547 candidates in 10 pb-1

34 Modeling Wen calibrates e,n,tracks, ...
+CEM s(missing ET) s(E/p) ~ 5.7% ( cal  track ) (within 20% of Run I resolution) expect improvements as calibrations continue SET (GeV) Missing energy resolution from minimum-bias data consistent with Run 1

35 Reconstruct Z  ee; measure AFB
Both e ||>1 NZ(PP) = 160 Both e ||<1 NZ(CC) = 247 s(M) ~ 4 GeV Uses silicon to tag e± charge Central-Plug Dielectron Mass AFB will be an additional handle in Z’ searches One ||<1, one ||>1 NZ(CP) = 391

36 W  t n Evidence for typical t decay multiplicity in W t n selections
t channel important for new physics searches

37 Jet reconstruction/measurement essential for Mtop, searches ...
Jet 1: ET = 403 GeV Jet 2: ET = 322 GeV Run II jet energy calibrations in progress. In ||<1 region, we reproduce Run I calibrations to ~5% level thus far.

38 Brand new detector: TOF
TOF resolution within 10–20% of 100 ps design value (calibration ongoing) TOF S/N = 1:2.5 S/N = 1:40 Novel uses (beyond K tagging) in the works: • CHAMPS search (large flight time) • magnetic monopole trigger (large pulse height)

39 Precision momentum measurement
COT tracking (measured) e = 99±1% (L3/offline reco) e = 96.1±0.1% (L1 trigger) s(1/pT) < 0.13%/GeV (offline) s(1/pT) = 1.8%/GeV (L1 trigger) Run II trigger efficient down to pT(m)=1.5 GeV

40 Material & Momentum Calibration
Use J/y’s to understand E-loss and B-field corrections s(scale)/scale ~ 0.02%. Check with other known signals D0 Raw tracks Correct for material in GEANT Tune missing material ~20% Add B scale correction confirm with gee U 1S 2S 3S mm

41 Meson mass measurements
B masses: y(2S)J/y p+p- (control) Bu J/y K+ Bd J/y K0* (K0*K+p-) Bs J/y f (fK+K-) BsJ/yf 18.4/pb More mass plots CDF DPDG/s y(2S) ± Bu ±1.7 ± Bd ±1.9 ± Bs ±3.8 ± BJ/yK 18.4/pb Bu 2.1 2.9

42 Precision vertex measurement
Silicon detectors: Typical S/N ~12 Alignment in R-f mature Hit resolution as expected before alignment Drf +/- 20 mm after alignment Drf +/- 3 mm Details

43 B hadron lifetimes Inclusive B lifetime with J/y’s
Fit pseudo-ct = Lxyy*FMC*My/pTy ct=458±10stat. ±11syst. mm (PDG: 469±4 mm) Exclusive B+J/yK+ lifetime ct=446 ±43stat. ±13syst. mm (PDG: 502±5 mm) J/y from B = 17% # B ~ 154

44 Trigger selects B’s via semileptonic decays ...
1910119 candidates 34922 candidates Run II trigger & silicon => ~3 yield/luminosity as in Run I (and likely to improve further with optimization) 61647 candidates

45 Hadronic B trigger Secondary Vertex L2 Trigger Online track impact
param. s=48 mm includes ~33 mm beamspot ~150 VME boards/8 crates find & fit silicon tracks in 20 ms with offline accuracy Secondary Vertex L2 Trigger D resolution as planned 48 mm (33 mm beam spot transverse size) Online fit/subtraction of beam position Efficiency

46 SVT selects huge charm signals
L2 trigger on 2 tracks: pt > 2 GeV |D| > 100 mm (2 body) |D| > 120 mm (multibody) Whopping charm samples! Will have O( 107 ) fully reconstructed decays in 2/fb data set FOCUS = today’s standard for huge: 139K D0K-p+, 110K D+K-p+p+ A substantial fraction comes from b decays 56320 D0 25570

47 Fraction of charm from b decays
D mesons: What fraction from B? D0: % D*+: % D+: % Ds+: % K0S Gaussian

48 Measure Ds, D+ mass difference
Both D  fp (fKK) Dm=99.28±0.43±0.27 MeV PDG: 99.2±0.5 MeV (CLEO2, E691) Systematics dominated by background modeling 11.6 pb-1 ~2400 events ~1400 events

49 Measure Cabibbo-suppressed decay rates
G(DKK)/G(DKp) = (11.17±0.48±0.98)% (PDG: 10.83±0.27) Main systematic (8%): background subtraction (E687, E791, CLEO2) G(Dpp)/G(DKp) = (3.37±0.20±0.16)% (PDG: ±0.17) several ~2% systematics This measurement has pushed the state of the art on modeling SVT sculpting--essential simulation tools for both B physics program and e.g. high-pT b-jet triggers Future? - CP violation - mixing - rare decays Monster Kp reflection here ...

50 Toward Bs mixing! B+  D0 p+ #B± = 56±12 We observe hadronic B decays!
constant multiplicative error ~ 15% (semileptonic) ~ 0.5% (hadronic) B+  D0 p+ Need fully reconstructed (hadronic) decays to see past first couple of oscillation periods We observe hadronic B decays! Yields understood to ~20% level from detailed simulation Next steps: Reconstruct Bs Dsp, Ds fp Flavor tagging algorithms Exploit  3 SVX acceptance, SVT efficiency improvements

51 Full silicon acceptance is in sight … The last 10% of the job takes the second 90% of the effort (but not time!) Commissioning: L00 > 95% SVXII > 90% ISL > 80% ISL completing cooling work % of silicon ladders powered and read-out by silicon system vs. time

52 2-body hadronic B decays observed
—sum BdKp BsKK Bdpp BsKp CDF II simulation Width ~45MeV #B = 33±9 B  h+ h- Yield lower than expected (now improved) S/N better than expected CP asymmetry measurements (a , g) possible with large samples

53 CDF Taking good quality data during 2002
Many new capabilities of detector and trigger Each Run II pb-1 worth much more than each Run I pb-1! And of course 9% more W,Z; 35% more tt at 1.96 TeV Many early physics results sB(Wln), sB(W mn) / sB(Z mm) m(B), t(B), DM(Ds,D+), BR(D0 KK,pp) Tooling up for MW, Mtop, SUSY searches, Higgs search


55 Run IIb Additional luminosity provides greater precision for electroweak measurements, greater reach for exotic searches, plus the opportunity to observe a low-mass Higgs boson. Accelerator Improve luminosity by factor of 2-3 with a number of modest upgrades. Accelerator advisory committee reviewing progress. Right now, the attention must be concentrated on run IIa. Detectors Two upgrade projects: Replace partly rad-damaged silicon detectors with new detectors of simpler design with more rad-hard technology. Upgrade data acquisition and triggers to deal with higher luminosity. PAC has been following projects, Stage 1 approval discussion at Aspen

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