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Decolonization in Africa

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1 Decolonization in Africa
Based on the homework reading and webquest, create a “model” for an independence movement. Colonial Period: How do colonists express discontent? What sparks nationalism? Independence How is it achieved? Aftermath What challenges do new countries face?

2 African dictators greatest


Objective: To understand the events that led to the creation of an independent South Africa. To understand the policy of apartheid and its impact. To understand what caused the end of apartheid and the challenges that remain.

5 The Population of South Africa
Black Africans, Zulu and Xhosa had been living in the area for centuries. The Dutch arrived in the 17th century and stayed. (Boers/Afrikaners) The British claimed it and developed diamond mines.

6 First Prime Minister, Louis Botha (Afrikaner)
South African Union With the founding of the South African Union in 1910, the British colony and the independent Boer Republics were united. Due to harsh treatment of the Boers during the Anglo-Boer War, the British granted internal political control to the Boer minority. South Africa had gained self-rule under the British Empire. A modern "democratic" state was formed, in which only the white population could execute the right to vote. First Prime Minister, Louis Botha (Afrikaner)

7 National Party Prime Minister (1948-1954), Daniel Malan (Afrikaner)
In 1948, the National Party came to power in South Africa. Promoted Afrikaner, (Dutch South African), nationalism. Instituted a strict racial segregation policy called apartheid. In 1961, South Africa was granted total independence from Great Britain. National Party Prime Minister ( ), Daniel Malan (Afrikaner)

8 How does South Africa differ from these other nations?
Kenyatta in Kenya Nehru in India Nasser in Egypt How does South Africa differ from these other nations? Nkrumah in Ghana Ataturk in Turkey Verwoerd in South Africa

9 Decolonization Why was South African Decolonization led and controlled by the white Afrikaner minority? South Africa was a settler colony with larger European population than most settler colonies Afrikaners had long heritage of living in South Africa – as long as some Europeans in North America Afrikaners were distinct from the Dutch - had no European homeland to return to if ousted Afrikaners shared ideology of white supremacy and limited the education, opportunities, and rights of the black Africans – policy of apartheid “[Apartheid] is “the only basis on which the character and the future of each race can be protected and made secure…” Hendrik Verwoerd, Prime Minister audio

10 Segregated stands at South African stadium
What is Apartheid? The word means “apartness” or “separateness” Implemented complete separation of the races Separated whites from blacks in all public places, schools, and housing Blacks and whites could not marry Blacks couldn’t own land or have good jobs Enforced by the police, if violated, one could go to jail Segregated stands at South African stadium

11 Even Bathrooms Were Segregated

12 Ethnic Composition Of South Africa

13 Population Registration Act (1950)
Classified population by race. It put all South Africans into three racial categories: Bantu (black African), White, Or Colored (of mixed race) A fourth category, Asian (Indians and Pakistanis), was added later.

14 The Group Areas Act (1950) Assigned races to different residential and business sections in urban areas. Members of other races were forbidden to live, work or own land in areas belonging to other races.

15 Pass Laws Required non-whites to carry a "pass" to prove they had permission to travel in white areas.

16 Bantu Homelands Citizenship Act (1959)
Created ten African "homelands" or small nations. Made every black South African a citizen of one of the homelands, effectively excluding blacks from South African politics.

17 Black Township in South Africa
13% of South Africa's total area for almost 75% of its population!

18 The Homelands Agricultural production was not sufficient to support the populations of the homelands. The homelands were not developed industrially. This led to a situation in which working men would migrate into white South Africa, work there for 11 months and return once a year to their families for four weeks.

19 Violence in the Homelands
The governments in the homelands were mostly made up of the black elite and were often authoritarian regimes, which found little acceptance among the people.

20 Demographic Information

21 How Was Apartheid Enforced?
In 1953, the Public Safety Act and the Criminal Law Amendment Act were passed:

22 Enforcing Apartheid Empowered the government to declare states of emergency Increased penalties for protesting against the law. Penalties included fines, imprisonment, and whippings.

Formed by Black South Africans in 1912 Organized strikes and boycotts to protest racist policies The founding members of the SANNC, from left to right, Dr W. Rubusana, T. Mapikela, Rev. J. L. Dube, Sol Plaatje and S. Msane




27 Development of Nationalism
Nelson, I hope I have inspired you to use non-violent methods to gain your freedom! During the Second World War Mandela, along with other young Africans set about taking the ANC message to the millions of lower class black people around South Africa. These young liberals set about firing up the conservative, conciliatory methods of the ANC old guard in favor of a radical form of nationalism based on the principle of national self- determination. Nelson Mandela joined the ANC at the age of 24

28 Nelson Mandela, a leader of the ANC, burns pass.
THE ANC YOUTH LEAGUE The ANC Youth League was formed in They vigorously opposed the apartheid policies of the ruling National Party, using the tools of boycott, strike and civil disobedience. In 1952 Mandela led the defiance campaign which involved non-violent resistance to unjust laws. Nelson Mandela, a leader of the ANC, burns pass.

29 Sharpeville Massacre (1960)
In 1960, a large group of blacks in Sharpeville refused to carry their passes; the government declared a state of emergency. The emergency lasted for 156 days, leaving 69 people dead and 187 people wounded. video

30 Sharpeville Massacre The Sharpeville Massacre signaled the start of armed resistance in South Africa, and prompted worldwide condemnation of South Africa's Apartheid policies.

31 Spear of the Nation After the Sharpeville Massacre the ANC was officially banned. A guerrilla arm of the ANC was then formed called Spear of the Nation. Spear of the Nation engaged in governmental sabotage, with Mandela at the forefront. In mid 1962 he was jailed for five years for encouraging strike action. While serving this sentence he was charged with sabotage Spear of the Nation was a militant wing of the ANC, similar to the Mau Mau rebels in Kenya.

32 Mandela’s Defense “There are many people who feel that it is useless and futile for us to continue talking peace and nonviolence against a government whose reply is only savage attacks on an unarmed and defenseless people.” "Each disturbance … showed that a Government which uses force to maintain its rule teaches the oppressed to use force to oppose it." "Sabotage did not involve loss of life, and it offered the best hope for future race relations. Bitterness would be kept to a minimum and, if the policy bore fruit, democratic government could become a reality.” Why does Mandela think that passive resistance is the best course of action?

33 Mandela Imprisoned He was sentenced to life imprisonment on the Robben Island Maximum Security Prison

34 Rally Cry Throughout the 70s and 80s his imprisonment became a rallying point for black resistance. Throughout the 80s he rejected several offers of release, all conditional on his renouncing certain beliefs.

35 Steve Biko: Anti-Apartheid Martyr
Formed the Black Consciousness Group: provided legal aid and medical clinics, as well as helping to develop cottage industries for disadvantaged black communities. Banned from South Africa for his protests, arrested four times and made to follow restrictions of travel and public appearances. His philosophy that political freedom could only be achieved if blacks stopped feeling inferior to whites attracted enormous international attention, and is considered by many to be the turning point in the demise of apartheid.

36 Biko was imprisoned where he was kept chained and naked
Biko Imprisoned Biko was imprisoned where he was kept chained and naked Biko was beaten by the police and had slipped into a continual, semi-conscious state. The police physician recommended a transfer to the hospital and Biko was transported 1,200 km to Pretoria – a 12-hour journey which he made lying naked in the back of a Land Rover. A few hours later, on September 12, 1977 alone and still naked, lying on the floor of a cell in the Pretoria Central Prison, Biko died from brain damage.

37 "One People One Nation" was written on Biko’s coffin
Steve Biko "We have set on a quest for true humanity, and somewhere on the distant horizon we can see the glittering prize. Let us march forth with courage and determination, drawing strength from our common plight and brotherhood. In time we shall be in a position to bestow upon South Africa the greatest gift possible - a more human face". -- Steve Biko Despite the difficulties he faced, do you think Biko believed apartheid would end? How do you know? "One People One Nation" was written on Biko’s coffin

38 Bishop Desmond Tutu Spent his life speaking out against injustice and oppression. Led a worldwide economic campaign against apartheid. He asked foreign nations not to do business with South Africa. Many nations imposed trade restrictions on South Africa. UN condemned the South African government on human rights violations. Since the 1960s, South Africa was not allowed to join the Olympic games.

39 Bishop Desmond Tutu -- Desmond Tutu
"My vision is of a South Africa that is totally non-racial...a new South Africa, a free South Africa, where all of us, black and white together, will walk tall; where all of us, black and white together, will hold hands as we stride forth on the Freedom March to usher in the new South Africa where people will matter because they are human beings made in the image of God."             -- Desmond Tutu

40 F.W. De Klerk Elected by white South Africans as the new president in 1989. He legalized the ANC and released Nelson Mandela from prison. Apartheid laws were repealed. Agreed to hold elections in 1994 in which people of all races could vote.

41 F.W. De Klerk What does de Klerk think is the reason for discontent in the world? What is ironic about his statement based on the situation in S. Africa? "Let us tackle the problem of world peace by going to the root cause for the lack of world peace. It is in many instances the tyranny of the majority. It is the alienation of important minority groups. It is suppression of specific languages and cultures. We need to come to grips with the management and accommodation of diversity in a just and equitable way."

42 Nelson Mandela in Prison
Mandela was imprisoned from

43 Mandela is Free! On February 11, 1990, Nelson Mandela was released from prison! Mandela now set out with determined zeal to overthrow apartheid. In 1991 he was elected President of the ANC. In the first democratic elections in 1994, Nelson Mandela was voted state President of South Africa. He served as President until June, 1999, at which time he retired from public life.

44 Nobel Peace Prize Mandela and then-President F. W. de Klerk of South Africa won the 1993 Nobel Peace Prize. They were honored for their work to end apartheid and to enable the country's nonwhites to fully participate in the South African government.

45 Nelson Mandela “Out of the experience of an extraordinary human disaster that lasted too long, must be born a society of which all humanity will be proud. Our daily deeds as ordinary South Africans must produce an actual South African reality that will reinforce humanity's belief in justice, strengthen its confidence in the nobility of the human soul and sustain all our hopes for a glorious life for all. We thank all our distinguished international guests for having come to take possession with the people of our country of what is, after all, a common victory for justice, for peace, for human dignity. We trust that you will continue to stand by us as we tackle the challenges of building peace, prosperity, non-sexism, non-racialism and democracy.”

46 South Africa Under Mandela
1994 – Adopted a new flag 1996 – Wrote a new constitution Guarantees equal rights for all citizens Forbids discrimination and protects the rights of minorities Guarantees the right to travel freely


48 Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC)
The Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC), chaired by 1984 Nobel Peace Prize winner Archbishop Desmond Tutu, helped to advance the reconciliation process. Constituted in 1996 and having completed its work by 2001, the TRC was empowered to investigate apartheid-era human rights abuses to grant amnesty to those who committed politically motivated crimes to recommend compensation to victims of abuses

49 Thabo Mbeki In June 1996, Thabo Mbeki became the Deputy President of the new Government of National Unity. In December 1997, Thabo Mbeki became the new President of the African National Congress. Thabo Mbeki was elected President of South Africa in June of 1999. April 2004, the ANC won nearly 70% of the national vote, and Mbeki was reelected for his second 5-year term. In his 2004 State of the Nation address, Mbeki promised his government would reduce poverty, stimulate economic growth, and fight crime. Mbeki said that the government would play a more prominent role in economic development

50 Has South Africa Achieved Democracy?


52 Changing Power

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