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Building Your Development Strategy

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1 Building Your Development Strategy
Monday September 11, 2017 Presented by: Tycely Williams, CFRE

2 At-a-Glance Increasing Donor Pipeline & Solicitation Success with DONOR LOYALTY ​​ - Strategy - Identification - Cultivation - Solicitation - Stewardship Talking points: what we budgeted taking into account the actuals—highlight only existing corporate partner was Allstate at $50,000 for LCBI.

3 Strategy Talking points: what we budgeted taking into account the actuals—highlight only existing corporate partner was Allstate at $50,000 for LCBI.

4 Key Questions? Who are you raising $ from? Who will help you raise $?
Why are you raising $? When do you need access to the $? Talking points: what we budgeted taking into account the actuals—highlight only existing corporate partner was Allstate at $50,000 for LCBI.

5 FY16 Actuals & FY17 Goals $182,069 $404,931 increase $587,000 $0
Revenue Stream FY16 Actual Aspiration FY17 Budgeted Contributions $182,069 $404,931 increase $587,000 Grants: Local $0 $400,000 increase $400,000 Sponsorships $87,000 $163,000 increase $250,000 Total $269,069 $967,931 $1,237,000

6 FY17 Budget to FY17 Actuals $587,000 $1,162,011 $400,000 $200,000
Revenue Stream FY17 Budgeted Projected Actuals As of June 2017 Contributions $587,000 $1,162,011 Grants: Local $400,000 $200,000 Sponsorships $250,000 $90,000 Total $1,237,000 $ 1,472,011 Talking points: discuss budget & then reference actuals. Met projected increase of $967,931 & exceeded by $504,080

7 FY17 Strategy Work collaboratively with staff, board and volunteers to diversify and enhance our current fundraising efforts, specifically we will: a). steward and upgrade relationships with existing donors to secure $250,000 b). secure $750,000 of new funding from varied revenue streams Recap agreed upon strategy for how we would successfully meet fundraising goal

8 Strategy for Donor Identification
" A plan of action designed to achieve an overall aim."                             Institutions Small Businesses Mid-Size Businesses Corporations Foundations Gov. Agencies Individuals Board Members Past Board Members Volunteers Lapsed Donors Current Donors New Donors

9 Strategy for Individual Donor Identification
Steps to Strengthen Your Individual Strategies  1. Establish size of modest, mid & major gifts 2. Calculate current impact of modest, mid & major gifts 3. Calculate modest, mid & major gifts retention rates  4. Set annual goal for modest, mid & major gifts  5. Infuse innovation

10 Strategy for Individual Donor Identification
Modest ($1 to $100) Mid-Level ($101 to $500) Major ($500 & above) Calculate # of Gifts: How many people are giving at this level in current fiscal year? Calculate Retention Rate: How many people did you retain from the previous year? Set Goals: New, Recaptured, Same & Upgraded

11 Strategy for Individual Donor Identification
Modest ($1 to 100) Calculate Impact 400 people gave $40,000 Calculate Retention Rate 200 people gave in FY16 150 people gave in FY17 75% retention rate Set Goals New: 40 Recaptured: 150 Same: 120 Upgraded: 30 Refers to Gift Size

12 How to Prioritize Donor Segments
Calculate Current Impact to Overall Budget Calculate # of donors by gift size 2. Calculate cumulative total for gifts by gift size 3. Divide cumulative total (for each gift size) by overall budget to calculate impact 

13 How to Prioritize Donor Segments
An example for Major-Gift Donors 1. 1,500 donors gave at least $1,000 in FY17 2. 1,500 donors gave a total of $500,000 in FY17 3. FY17 budget is $1 million, major donors gave 50%  

14 How to Calculate Gift Retention Rates
donors gave in FY16 (Year 1) donors gave in FY17 (Year 2)  divided by 100 = 40% (Retention Rate)

15 Understanding Retention Rates
Current Retention Trends (AFP/Urban Institute 2017) - 45% average donor retention % change from 2016 *Every 100 donors gained in 2016, offset by 99 lost due to attrition

16 Understanding Donor Loyalty
Social Scientist’s Dr. Adrian Sargeant’s 7 Principles of Donor Loyalty Click Here

17 How to Calculate Gift Retention Rates
Set Annual Sub-Goals in Each Segment 1. New Donors (never given) 2. Recaptured Donors (some years, not last) 3. Same Donors (last year at same giving level) 4. Upgraded Donors (last year at increased level)

18 How to Create Identification Strategies
1. Establish a committed donor profile 2. Determine pathways to connect 3. Recruit influencers & mission ambassadors

19 How to Create Cultivation Strategies
1. Solicit donor preference for communication 2. Incorporate technology 3. Right size staffing structure for high-touch engagement

20 How to Create Solicitation Strategies
1. Personalize based upon targeted gift size 2. Reference impact of last gift 3. Incorporate a range & analyze reactions

21 Idea Generation What does your donor value?
Entertainment: Events: Walks/Luncheons Religious: Ceremonies Inspiration: Branded YWCA gear/Quotes Information: Factoids/Statistics

22 Idea Generation Annualized Opportunities
Jan.: National Day of Racial Healing (WK Kellogg Foundation) Feb.: March: April: Stand Against Racism May: June: July: August: Sept.: Oct.: Week Without Violence/DV Awareness Month Nov.: Dec.: Giving Tuesday

23 Wrap Up ​​ - Strategy - Identification - Cultivation - Solicitation
​​Increasing Donor Pipeline & Solicitation Success with DONOR LOYALTY ​​ -  Strategy  -  Identification -  Cultivation -  Solicitation -  Stewardship

24 Q & A Thank you for your continued support of YWCA USA
Reach Tycely at Office: Cell:

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