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The Story of an Hour By Kate Chopin (1850-1904).

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Presentation on theme: "The Story of an Hour By Kate Chopin (1850-1904)."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Story of an Hour By Kate Chopin ( )

2 Irony Irony is a contrast between what is stated and what is meant.
a contrast between what is expected and what actually happens

3 Tell your partner how these are examples of irony.
These are examples of irony because...

4 3 Types of Irony in Literature
Verbal irony The use of words to suggest the opposite of their usual meaning. Example: “Lamb to the Slaughter” The police at the end say the murder weapon is right under their noses. How is this verbal irony? Tell your partner. This is verbal irony because...

5 Dramatic Irony When readers are aware of something that a character doesn’t know. Example “Lamb to the Slaughter” What do we know that the police don’t? Tell your partner. This is dramatic irony because...

6 Situational Irony When the outcome of an action or situation is very different from what is expected. Example “A Perfect Day for Bananafish” We don’t expect Seymour to ________ himself.

7 Climax The climax is the high point of interest or suspense in a story. It is the moment when the conflict is resolved.

8 The climax in ______________ was when_________ becuase...
The winning touchdown! The phantom is...! Discuss the climax in other pieces of literature or film with your partner. Think of two examples. The climax in ______________ was when_________ becuase...

9 Vocabulary Forestall (verb)- prevent
We can forestall the damage of future floods by building stronger dams.

10 2. Repression (noun)- restraint
Not allowing women to vote was a form of repression.

11 3. Elusive (adjective)- hard to catch or hold
Some people believe the Loch Ness monster is real, but so elusive.

12 4. Tumultuously (adverb)- in an agitated way; stormy
They were always fighting. Their relationship continued tumultuously.

13 5. Importunities (noun)- persistent requests or demands
I ignore the importunities of my students when they want free time.

14 Homework Due:_________
For each vocabulary word, write one original sentence. You can use my sentences to guide you, but DON’T copy them.

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