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The Galaxy Zoo: Science!

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Presentation on theme: "The Galaxy Zoo: Science!"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Galaxy Zoo: Science!
World’s largest database of galaxy shapes Shifted astronomer’s assumptions of color and shape Determined that there is no preferred direction for galaxy spirals Bizarre and unexplained objects! Hanny’s Voorwerp

2 Types of Galaxies Elliptical Spiral S0 between E7 and Sa Irregular
E0 (circular) to E7 (flattened) Spiral Bulge, disk, halo Ordinary (S) vs. Barred (SB) S0 between E7 and Sa Have bulge, disk, no spiral structure Irregular

3 Types of Galaxies M87 E1 M100 Sc

4 Types of Galaxies NGC 3351 SBb LMC Irregular

5 Classifications Shape Color Direction of Spiral
Smooth or with Features? How Round? Edge on? Bulge at center? Spiral pattern? How tight? Number of Arms? Bar feature through center of galaxy? How prominent is the bulge? Irregularities? Color Direction of Spiral

6 Getting Started

7 Getting Started

8 Classifications Smooth Features Star or Artifact

9 Classification Round In Between Cigar

10 Classification – Edge On?

11 Classification Rounded Boxy No Bulge

12 Classification – Spiral Pattern?

13 Classification – Tightly Wound?
Loose Medium Tight Loose Medium

14 Classification

15 Classification – Central Bar?
No Bar Bar No Bar

16 Classification – Bulge Prominence
Just Noticeable No Bulge Dominant Obvious

17 Classification – Odd Features
Merger Ring Irregular Lens / Arc

18 Experiment and Explore!

19 Fun Internet Resources and the Galaxy Zoo

20 Hands-On Activity Resources
Astronomical Society of the Pacific: Nebraska Astronomy Applet Project (fun online experiments)

21 Educational Resources
Astronomical Society of the Pacific: Ask an Astrophysicist: NASA Quest challenges (web based interactive projects): Astronomy Picture of the Day:

22 NASA Educators Page Teaching materials broken down by grade level
Fun images Kids’ Club

23 Minorities in Science The Faces of Science: African Americans in the Sciences: Minorities in Science: Guide to Reference Resources:

24 Women in Astronomy A resource guide to prominent women in astronomy in the past and present (requires some legwork): Brief biographies of some prominent female astronomers:

25 Astronomy vs. Astrology
Astronomers do not study horoscopes! Discussing the difference between the two fields can be useful for explaining the scientific method A fun and clear website explaining the difference between astrology and astronomy:

26 Just for Fun A discussion of misleading science in movies: and tv:

27 The Galaxy Zoo Over a million galaxies Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS)
2.5m Robotic telescope in New Mexico Other projects related to SDSS: Range of grade levels

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