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HAMUN 43 Delegate Resource Workshop

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1 HAMUN 43 Delegate Resource Workshop
October 26th, 2017

2 This is our 43rd Conference since it’s creation, somewhat obvious
Our largest conference yet with almost 1100 students Fun Facts About HAMUN This is a picture of the very first HAMUN convention; only 18 schools in participation.

3 Parliamentary Procedure
It is like learning a new language, hard at first, but you get the hang of it the more you use it. Major key: NO personal pronouns (my, I, me, you, your, she, he, her, him) Use: “The delegation of (country name)...”

4 General Overview Start Open Debate Debates continue
Resolution Papers begin writing More Debate Resolution papers finished and turned in Close debate Resolution papers voted on and pass 50+1% majority General Overview

5 Medium & Large Size Committees
Small Size Committee/Crisis


7 Points in Model UN Points (on behalf of an individual):
Order – To express that you feel than ERROR has been made in procedure by the Chair Inquiry – To ask a question about parliamentary procedure or what’s going on in the committee Information – To request an answer to a specific question made during the Speaker’s List speeches and presentation of draft resolutions Personal privilege – CAN interrupt speaker or chair, ex: room is cold, can’t hear the speaker Bathroom passes should be sent by note to the front

8 Starting The Session

9 Opening Session & Setting the Agenda
Only needs to be done once at the beginning of each topic, and will only happen twice during conference “The country of ____ moves to open session.” - simple majority “The country of ____ moves to place topic (A/B) first on the agenda.” 2 pro speakers required; 2 con speakers required Requires simple majority

10 Speakers List First: Motion to open the list; “The nation of ______ motions to open the speaker’s list.” Simple majority Here a few delegates will speak to kick off the debate by presenting their own country’s position on the subject. Could read position paper here Simply raise placard to be added to the list After some speakers have finished, delegates can motion to move into a moderated caucus. Committees will return to speakers list if there are no motions for moderated or unmoderated caucus AKA if all points or motions “exhaust" NO motion to return to the speaker’s list Defaults: 90 second speaking time, 2 questions, 1 follow; granted through points of information *Speech given at front of the room next to Dais*

11 Speakers List - Yield to Chair or Yield to Floor?
Means that you surrender any remaining time during your speaker’s list speech and take TWO questions from the floor Benefit: More time to give speech Cost: Less questions Yield to Floor: Means that you keep your time to answer ADDITIONAL questions, and take the original TWO questions from the floor you are originally entitled to. Benefit: Get to answer more questions, attract more delegates to your position Cost: Get less time to give your speech *Can only be on the Speaker’s list once at a time; can send up a note to Dais to be readded once you’ve spoken*

12 After Speaker’s List After each speech during the speaker’s list, the Chair will ask if there are any “points or motions” on the floor. Typically, after four or five speaker’s list speeches, the Chair will smile upon a motion for a moderated caucus.

13 Moderated Caucus A “popcorn” style of debate, where delegates speak on their position. This helps other delegates in committee identify potential delegates to form a bloc with. Bloc - Group of delegates with agreeing perspectives for a topic Delegates can challenge others ideas or resolution ideas to the topic Must specify: Total duration, speaking time, and purpose of caucus Delegates will be allotted a set time for the caucus. Each delegate will have a time to speak their position To speak in the moderated caucus, delegates raise their placards to be called on Default - 30 seconds *Speech given at seat, standing*

14 Unmoderated Caucus Delegates are asked to roam around the committee room and meet other delegates Personal pronoun usage is NOT restricted Must be proposed as a motion, specifying length and purpose of the unmoderated caucus Purpose: To form blocs through informal discussion To begin writing working papers These will usually take place after sufficient moderated caucus’ have taken place and the the chair feels that delegates have an appropriate understanding of other like minded delegates to begin working papers

15 Levels of Default in Committee Speakers List & Voting Procedure
If No points or Motions on the floor → We return to the Speaker’s List If the Speaker’s List exhausts → We enter voting procedure (BAD)

16 Working Papers, Draft Resolutions, & Resolutions
Purpose: Solve the topic by passing a resolution on it as a committee Requirements: Proper format, we’ll get to that Required amount of signatories & sponsors (⅕ of room) Preambulatory clauses that describe WHY you are solving the problem in a certain way Operative clauses describing WHAT you are going to do to solve the problem Working Paper = First form of resolution paper, to be submitted to dias for approval Draft Resolution = Approved working paper, assigned number X.Y Where X = Topic Number Y = Numerical order of resolution papers approved Resolution = D.R. that PASSES the committee during voting procedure

17 Draft Resolutions Last thing we do before “Closing Debate” and entering Voting Procedure: Motion to consider Draft Resolution Here delegates of the position paper will present their paper They will also be open to questions from other delegates 2 Questions or set Q/A time, through points of information Amendments to Draft Resolution There are two types of amendments made to a draft resolution paper Friendly Amendment - Supported by all members of draft resolution, automatically added prior to closing debate Unfriendly Amendment - Not unanimously agreed on by draft writers, must be voted on BEFORE D.R. in voting procedure; then D.R. is voted on with(out) the amendment in its entirety


19 Motion to Close Debate Purpose: To proceed into voting in draft resolution papers and move onto next topic for committee Requirements: 2 Pro Speakers; 2 Con Speakers ⅔ Majority approval by delegates

20 Voting Procedure for Draft Resolutions...Finally
Here all that is needed is a simple majority 50+1% (except UNSC) Congratulations your draft resolution paper has been approved. Can motion for a roll call vote, or to vote by clause (and only approve certain parts of draft resolutions)

21 Key MUN-ey Phrases The delegation of ______ motions to…
Open debate, set the topic, for a (un)moderated caucus, close debate, adjourn, open the speaker’s list, vote by roll call, vote by clause, amend the speaker’s list time/question allowance, table debate (for end of first day), resume debate (for beginning of the second day) Point of information! Point of inquiry? Point of personal priveledge? Right of reply?

22 Finishing each day: At the end of each session, a delegate should motion to “table debate”, to allow for breaks and lunch. (At the beginning of the next session, we should “reopen” debate) - simple majority At the end of the LAST session on day two, a delegate should motion to “adjourn debate”, to signal that we are DONE Simple majority

23 Topic: Social Media, Good for Society?
Mock Session Topic: Social Media, Good for Society?

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